Why player?

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It was no surprise that Becca would ask me this. But I don't know why Becca asking me this actually hurt..a lot!

"Yes. I dated Heather; and many more girls before her! But I had already told them about not being serious and they had WILLINGLY agreed. I had my limits which I never crossed with them." I said bluntly.

Me being with a new girl every month or so had made my image as a player. Everybody thought of me as a playboy and I exactly knew Becca must have heard about this side of me. It was not that I was playing with their hearts or taking their feelings for granted. They exactly knew which waters they were stepping in! In fact most of the times girls left me for not satisfying their "needs".

"I just needed someone to talk to and hangout with to distract myself from...pain.." I said after a long pause.

"Are you alright?" Becca asked concerned.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine...I know I could have found some other way to overcome..." I could not finish my sentence. I just couldn't.

I agree I had a feeling of constantly being with someone to talk to, to spend time with and interact with. But that was all I wanted. I did get attracted to a few girls, which I dated but that only turned out as infatuation.

But Becca was different.The way I feel for Becca , I have never felt like that before for anyone. I crave for her now, want her by my side. Her presence itself feels like bliss. The day after trek I noticed her. The way she smiled at me was amazing. The innocence in her eyes was so captivating. That big brown eyes have so many mysteries in them...and I want to know all of them.

She is the only reason why I joined her group in highschool. That evening at the cafe, I wanted to tell her how I felt about her. But thought maybe it would be too early to speak of something I was yet not fully convinced of. But as days passed, the feeling to be close to her just deepened. I wanted to know more about her..wanted to take her away from everyone and just have her for myself. Only and only mine.

"Are you fine Luke? Is everything OK?which pain are you talking about?" She asked so many questions and my mind jolted back to reality.

"Pain...Cl...Claire.." , my voice suddenly cracked.

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