Chapter 4

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"Willow, untie her!" Giles demanded.

"Yes, sir." Willow said as she obeyed Giles' command. She had better things to do anyway—like finding Buffy.

As soon as Cordy was free of the ropes, Willow tried to make an escape, but Giles prevented it.

"Girls, I want you to hug and make peace." Giles offered.

"Hug?" Cordy and Dark Willow said simultaneously, turning their noses at each other and Giles for mentioning the thought.

But Giles could see the disdain in the girls' actions. "Now!"

"Yes sir." Cordy and Dark Willow both said together as they hugged each other, both not liking it.

"Now, can I go?" Dark Willow said in Willow's irritating whine.

"Yes, you can." Giles said as he left the two of them. "I need to get back to my store."

Cordy was on her way to meet Xander after her ordeal with Willow, and Dark Willow left to find Buffy. But she only encountered Angel instead.

"Willow?" Angel said, surprising Dark Willow, who knew about Willow's transformation into Dark Willow.

"What happened to you to your promise to torture Cordy?"

"Giles walked in and stopped it." Dark Willow said.

"And you let him do it!" Angel raged.

"Yes, Angelus. It wasn't Cordy I wanted!" Dark Willow spat back.

"Buffy!" Angel said. "What the hell is it with this Buffy bitch!"

"Oh, it's not Buffy I want! It's revenge!"

"What do you have revenge against Buffy for?"

"For the death of Tara!"

Angel laughed, "You're blaming Buffy for your girlfriend's death?"

"It was because of Buffy that Glory allowed Tara to die!" Dark Willow raged. "She just had to save Dawn! And at Tara's expense, too!"

"Well, you promised to torture Cordy, and you failed!" Angel reminded Dark Willow of her promise. "Now you're the one who's going to pay!"

Dark Willow started to run, but Angel outran her and caught up to her and knocked her out.


Fifteen minutes later, Dark Willow woke up inside Angel's dungeon cell, only to discover a shrine made in Buffy's honor.

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