Chapter 9

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"You bitch!" Dru spat out angrily as she started after Buffy, but Spike stopped her.

"Dru, don't!" Spike warned, but Dru didn't listen as Buffy stopped her with her demonic powers, shocking Dru.

"What the....?" Dru said confused.

"I tried to warn you..." Spike began.

"But...I don't get it?"

"What don't you get?" Buffy asked her. "That I'm one of you now?!"

"You're a vampire?" Dru said in disbelief. "You're one of us?"

"Yeah! And it feels great!" Buffy added. "It's better than being that stuffy old Slayer!"

"Does Angel and the Scoobys know?"

"No. You and Spike are the only one's privy to this." Buffy warned. "And I don't want them to know."

"So the're involved with Spike now?" Dru asked. "Are you two..."

"Lovers?" Buffy asked. "No, we're not. Not yet anyway."

"But you two do have something together?"

"It's just an attraction...more like Buffy has a crush on me." Spike told Dru, convincing her with a kiss.

Buffy watched Spike as he kissed Dru, trying to convince her there was nothing between her and Spike. This was getting good! A war for Spike with Dru!

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