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i pulled my phone back out of my pocket once the door was shut softly behind me and sat on my bed, listening to my phone tell me what the text was.

new text from jakey:

i rolled my eyes at the contact he made himself.

maybe i can start walking with you all after school every day now? be a regular thing? i'd love to get to know you more.

i smiled to myself and typed back a response, laying back in my bed after sending it.

i'm fine with you walking with us. you seem cool, i think i'd love to get to know you as well


new text from jakey:

maybe at some point i'll be able to walk you home myself and we can talk more? just you and me?

(A/N i have very little knowledge on how the type of phones work that they make for people who are blind, i know they speak what's on the screen and tell you what letter you're pressing when you type but that's basically it. if any of you know anything i've done wrong with that let me know 💙 hope you're enjoying this as much as i, so far)

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