Chapter 1

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First chapter! Whoop whoop!

Sorry about the small wait I made the chapter long to make up for it, but you guys achieved more than three times the amount of votes and reads and twice the amount of comments! So thanks for that!

Question: who's excited for the book!?




P.S. I'm going to apologize in advance for the poor beginning of the book... I'm not very good at those.

<^_^< >^_^> (one of you asked me why I use these as the scene dividers and the answer is I just think it's cute and creative:3)

"Boy, it's a good thing you drew me a picture."

I snickered at his sarcastic comment. Stiles, Scott, and I were at a tattoo parlor as Scott was getting a tattoo. He just wanted two bands, the one on top slightly bigger than the one on the bottom. It was simple, and he wanted it on his bicep.

The summer went by quickly. I turned 17, a week and two days after Isaac did. We didn't do anything special for our birthdays, we never really did. Let's just say we both did lose our viginity's though. Luckily, we 'found' a car that we can share... Yeah, found, let's go with that... It's green and I think Isaac said it's an Audi Q5 or something like that, I've never been good with cars.

All summer Peter, Derek, Isaac, and I looked for Erica and Boyd. We found out that the Alpha Pack kidnapped them. Isaac and I were supposed to go out tonight to look but Scott texted us asking if we wanted to come watch him get a tattoo. Isaac turned it down but insisted I take a break from looking and go. And no matter how much I refused, he just kept insisting, and insisting, and insisting. So here I am sitting in the small place with Scott and Stiles.

"Hey Scott" Stiles said from behind me, "you sure you don't want something like this?" He held up a picutre of a lizard standing on it's back legs with claws and a tail, like the kanima. I thought it was pretty funny as I burst into a fit of laughs. Unlike me, Scott didn't find it humorous giving Stiles a look, to which he replied with, "too soon?"

Scott nodded with a "yeah." I grabbed the paper from him setting it down on the shelf.

"I don't know, man, are you sure about this? I mean, these things are pretty permanent, you know?"

Scott shook his head, "I'm not changing my mind."

"Okay" I started as I turned back around to face Scott, "but why two bands?" It was pretty simple, and not very creative at all.

Scott shrugged, "I just like it."

"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know, or something?"

"Getting a tattoo means something."

"I don't think that's-"

"He's right." the large tattoo artist said getting his tool ready, "tattooing goes back thousands of years. The tahitian word "tatua" means "to leave a mark." Like a rite of passage."

"Yeah you see? He gets it." Scott defended himself and Stiles rolled his eyes. "He's covered in tattoos, Scott, literally."

"Okay" the man held up his tool, "you ready?" Scott said back in his chair breathing in and out with a nervous look on his face, "you don't have a promise with needles do you?"

Scott shook his head, "nope."

Stiles stepped forward looking at the work being done, "I tend to get a little squeamish though so..." Stiles stopped and fainted falling to the ground making me laugh.

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