Chapter 4

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<^_^<          >^_^>

"She's not dead!" Derek defended for the fifth time as we sat in the animal clinic. Isaac and I sat on an empty counter, him now in dry clothes and me leaning on his shoulder. "Derek" Stiles said from in front of me, leaning back on my folded legs as he sat, "he said 'there's a dead body, it's Erica. Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation."

"Then who was in the vault with Boyd?" Derek asked and I closing my eyes and leaning my head against the wall listening to the conversation. Finding out your friend/pack member is dead isn't exactly something to take lightly. Erica might have been a huge overconfident bitch, that I somewhat created but still she was close to me. 

"Someone else obviously."

I reached over to touch Isaac's shoulder and said with my eyes still closed, "maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. The one who saved you?" I felt Isaac shake his head and grabbed my hand bringing it to lace with his saying, "no she wasn't like us. Whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

"What if that's how Erica died? They like pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It's like werewolf thunderdome." I resisted the urge to facepalm. Stiles is smart, one of the smartest people I know besides Lydia and I, and it's great that he's throwing ideas out there but sometimes his ideas are just way off. 

"Then we get them out tonight." 

"Be smart about this, Derek." Deaton spoke for the first time in ten minutes, "you can't just go storming in." 

"If Isaac got in then so can we." My eyes still remained closed as I listened and thought at the same time. Everything was getting so crazy again. We have to find Boyd and some mystey werewolf that's with him, avoid an alpha pack, figure out what's going on with all the animals, not to mention the fact that a freshmen saw me healing. How the hell am I supposed to exlain that? No one knows he saw me and I rather not say anything in fear of what Derek would do.

"But he didn't get through a vault door, did he?"

"We need a plan." Thank you, Scott, for pointing out the obvious. I swear I love Scott, he's like a brother to me, but he's... not the smartest guy. 

"How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours?" Derek snapped at Scott and I finally opened my eyes when I felt myself drifting off to sleep. 

"Uh, I think someone already did." Stiles said, who had moved to sit next to me, having me squisked slightly in between the two boys. He read from his phone, "'Beacon Hills First NAtional closes it's doors three months after vault robbery.' Doesn't say here how it was robbed, but it probably won't take long to find out."

"How long?"

"It's the internet, Derek." I said hoping off the counter and stretching. Stiles smirked slightly, "and the internet wizards called Stiles and Erin, are on the case." Someone cleared their throat and I smiled patting Scott's shoulder, "with the help of Scott of course."

"It'll only take minutes."

<^_^<             >^_^>

"Boys!" I shot up from my sleeping position behind the bed to the yell of the Sheriff. Scott, Stiles, and I looked all night and we didn't find anything on how the robbery occured. Not one thing. 

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