Chapter 5

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"Hi Mum," I say after hearing the familiar greeting on the phone. I knew it was her.

"My baby, when are you going to come home, we all miss you!" She responds making me miss home with every word.

"It might be a while, depending on things.." 

"What do you mean? It's been six months, I would have never suggested you move over there if I knew I wasn't going to see you at least every few months." 

"I know, I know Mum... I was planning on coming home soon, but I got a call from Los Angeles a couple days ago.. A guy from Capital Records saw my video and wants to talk to me. I just wanted to call and let you know. Get your thoughts on it." 

"Oh My.. My baby going to America and becoming a singer. Call up that man again and follow your dreams. It's what you need, it'll be good for you, but remember I still want to see you at the soonest point, OK?"

"Yes Mum, I will get there as soon as I can. I love you."

"I love you too."

Every time I call her I'm reminded of the place I grew up and how much I miss it. Deciding to follow my Mums instructions, I dial the number that was placed in the message I received a few days ago from Los Angeles. 

"Hello, this is Pheobe, secretary of Jason McKinley from Capital Records. How can I help you today?" A lady with an American accent says once the phone stops ringing.

"Um... Hi Pheobe, my name is Niall Horan and ah... Jason called me a couple days ago and told me to call him on this number."

"Oh, yes Niall Horan... I will transfer you right away to Mr. McKinley." 

"Ok... Thank you, Pheobe." Then I'm left with the faint sound of elevator music for a minute or two.

"Niall Horan, I was waiting for your call. This is Jason McKinley a talent scout from Capital Records."

"Hello, Sir," I respond to the kind of familiar voice. 

"You can call me Jason, now Niall, I had your video for This Town sent to me via email and loved it. It's also clear a lot of others do too. My people and I would like to meet with you in the near future. Are you anywhere near LA?"

"Um... no sir, I currently live in London."  I answer his question. 

"Oh right, that should be fine, are you able to come to LA?"

Little shocked by how straightforward the man is I respond with a yes. 

"Alright, that's great. Is there a specific date you would like to come, I will have Pheobe get you a ticket here and send you the details?"

"Ah, No whenever you'd like to see me I guess. Just as long as it's not like tomorrow or something." I laugh a little at the end, most likely from nerves. 

"I'll have her look at tickets for a week from now at the earliest. How does that sound?"

"Great, thank you, Jason."

"I'm excited to meet you, Niall Horan. We will keep in touch. You should get ticket information in an hour or two at most. I will transfer you back to Pheobe so she can get your information."

"Thank  you again, Jason."

"No, thank you." 

Then it's back to the soft elevator music. 


554 Words

Ha, this wasn't that eventful but the next chapter. I have plans (for once) on what's going to happen. It'll get more eventful I promise. 

Anyways I finish school for the year next Thursday and I am so ready for summer. I literally have nothing to do in half of my classes. 


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