Chapter 10

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The building was bigger than I thought it was going to be. Just like Jerry said it's been about 10 minutes since we last talked. Since then I've been looking through Instagram and a bit of twitter. He posted a picture of his cat. I feel like the thoughts of him have followed me to the states. Maybe the thoughts will be more like a sunrise and less like a light switch, they don't seem like they will all just stop at once. 

Once the car is parked I step out and wait for further instruction by the man who drove me here.

"Is there anything in your bags that you need right now? I'll be taking you to where you will be staying once you meet with Mr. McKinley."

"No, it should be fine in the car."

"Ok, this way," Jerry responds leading me to a set of glass doors into a lobby area filled with a couple couches, chairs, and a desk for a receptionist."

"Hello Devin, I have Niall Horan here for Mr. McKinley,"  Jerry says informing the man behind the desk of who I am and why I'm here, I guess. 

He starts picking up the phone to the left of him after a quick hello towards me and Jerry, then telling us to head up.

Jerry expertly walks back and makes a quick right, me right behind him. He probably knows this place like the back of his hand. 

Once the elevator arrives we get in and Jerry presses the number nine out of the ten numbers displayed. 

The elevator dings once we get to the ninth floor. Jerry walks out and leads me towards the right walking towards a hall not even minding the number of desks and cubicles set up, each with a person working. It's not far when I see he has stopped in front of another desk.

"Is this Niall?" The lady behind the desk says standing up and looking towards Jerry for a quick nod of confirmation. "Hello, Niall I hope your flight was ok?" She continues holding her hand out towards me, probably initiating a handshake. I respond by putting my hand in her's and saying a quick hello then answering the question she asked.

"Oh, excuse me, I'm Phoebe, we talked on the phone. Anyways Mr. McKinley is ready for you, his office is just down this hall here," She continues leading me down a short hall with a single door at the end. 

"Mr. McKinley, I have Niall Horan here," Phoebe says after knocking three times on the door and opening it, then letting me go in, and closing the door behind me. 

"Ah, Niall, how was the flight?" The man sitting behind a large desk in the center of the room says once the door behind me is closed.

"It was good, sir," I respond feeling a little awkward. He was always the one who was good with people and small talk. 

"Sit down, sit down, and call me Jason," the man says standing up while gesturing to a chair across from his desk. "Now, I want to talk about your song, This Town, you wrote it all yourself. Correct?"

"Yes, about a year ago." In happier times. 

"Do you have anything else? I'm just going to be bold and say we would like to sign you, but we'd need to see more before anything is definite," I'm not surprised at his choice to be bold, he seems like an out there man who will do anything to get what he wants.

"I have a few others that I could show you," I respond a little louder feeling a bit more comfortable in the new location. 

"Can I get you in a studio to hear these 'few others'?" The man questions further. 

"That's what I'm here for, right?" I decide I can question him a little.

"Yes, that is correct," he says with a small smile. "So I will have Jerry pick you up tomorrow morning from where you are staying at 8 am, ok?"

"That sounds great, Jason," I reply putting emphasis on his name.

"Alright, I see good things for you kid, a little bit of hard work and you could go somewhere. See you tomorrow," He smiled opening the door that leads to the rest of the building. 


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So I got a Viola yesterday (I play the violin, but want to take up another instrument) and I don't know what I was expecting but it's great. The guy who sold us the viola remembered my violin from when I purchased it like two years ago, that was different. 

I also got Harry tickets this morning for the Indianapolis show and I'm so excited even though it's over a year away. 

I'll probably use some One Direction songs in this since I can't write songs...? So I mean that's probably going to happen.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for reading!


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