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Time went by fast and it was the last day to be in the camp. Today, the teacher was allowing us to go alone.
"I'll have to go to that waterfall, do you remember the way?" Hailey asked desperately.
" Of course I do,"I told her.

We began picking up the things we needed. Hailey even brought a swimming suit!
" And don't forget your camera. I need pictures," she said, shoving some lotion into her bag.

She slung her bag onto her shoulders and led the way. Some of our classmates would be coming with us, but others chose to go their own way.

Picking up my camera, I put it in my bag and followed her.
" Don't stay out too late. Come back by six o'clock," the teacher told us.

We moved forward and came to the river and once more, I picked a few peebles and put it in my bag. The last ones that I had collected got lost. I placed my bag down and washed my face.
The river was quite huge and I could see Hailey had other ideas.
I could see Nicole too wanted to swim. To swim!
Who knows what's inside that river!
I preferred a clean swimming pool, with a bathroom, to such a river.

Hailey began removing her blouse. She then realises that there were boys around, so she hid behind a brush.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" I shouted.
Before she could reply, she was already gone.
She came back in her swimming suit and dived into the river.
" Well, I want to swim! Come and join me! "she yelled, splashing some water to our direction.

She continued swimming back and forth with no worry in the world.
" Hailey! Let's get out of here! ", Mark shouted.

Apparently, she didn't think there was any danger at all. But a crocodile was approaching fast.
" This is so much fun! C'mon, you join me!" said Hailey as she scooped some water, yet again, and threw in our direction.

" Hailey! There's a crocodile just a few metres away from you. Just get out!" Nancy shouted.

I really didn't want to think what would happen if the crocodile got a hold of her. Glancing back, Hailey let out a cry of horror when she saw the crocodile.
" Nooo! Please help me! "she yelled.

By now, it was only a feet away. She had to swim fast if she were to make it out alive, of which I knew she would.
Luckily enough, she was able to swim in a very fast manner and we pulled her out of the river. She was shivering and I guessed it was from fear. No one wouldn't.

Out of instincts, we began running, until we came to the waterfall. By the time we'd arrived at the waterfall, we were all panting.
"Oh my God I have never run so fast in my life," I said bending down and touching my knees for support.

And why would I even run? I would always be in a vehicle with Mark driving me everywhere.

After we had calmed down, Hailey quickly went under the waterfall. This time I had to have some fun.
Looking around, there was no bush anywhere that I could hide.
"Turn around boys," I told the boys present.
Harvey scoffed and said" Ha! Like we will. "
" I said turn around!" I repeated this time a little harsh.
They all obeyed. I quickly pulled my tee-shirt over my head and removed my jeans. I had a small short that I had brought just for this purpose.

" You can look now," I informed them and slid under the waterfall.
" Now this is so much nicer, not like some rivers I know ," Hailey was saying.
" You're right. "
I let the water cascade through my hair and down my body. It was so relaxing. I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt someone splashing water on my face and a hand on my cheek.
Opening my eyes, I realised that the boys had joined us, together with Nancy and Nicole.
It was Harvey that had splashed water my face. In a swift move, I scooped some and paid him back.
I slapped his shoulder and told him "That's for disturbing my peace."

It was getting quite late and we decided it was time to get back to the camp. I had never enjoyed so much in my life. Yes, I would go to our swimming pool often but it was nothing compared to having friends around.

When we got to the camp, I was getting sad now. We would be leaving tomorrow and then...
I didn't want to think about it.
"Hey, why are you so sad?You even look pale,"Hailey noted touching my arm.

"I'm okay,"I  said quickly.

To be honest I was not. I was not okay going home tomorrow. I wanted to stay longer so I could enjoy moments like we had in the afternoon. I loved every moment of it and I wondered if they were planning another camping like the one we have one. The only thing they could add is if we could stay for a week or maybe two.
Could I be the only not excited about going home?

Maybe I was the only one. Probably because I didn't go out  much often as I would love to,most otimes being with Mark.

Currently, we were in a queue each one of us holding a plate. We sat down on the grass and Hailey began saying how much she had enjoyed.
"I agree, that was so much fun! Well, except the crocodile part," Harvey said laughing.
" Shhh, keep it down. I don't want Mr Smith hearing that,"she said looking around her.

But Mr Smith was not around.

done with our dinner, we hanged out a little bit more watching the stars.
" I'm sleepy Tansey, I'm going to bed,"Hailey said.
Nancy followed her,saying how tired she was too.
I wanted to stay a little longer. This was my last day and I would use it well.

Things are getting better! More to come so keep reading. Remember to vote, comment and share this story with your friends.

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