Make Your Heart Race - A new Beginning

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Syo P.O.V

"Syo... Will you marry me..?"

My heart nearly froze.. 'what is he saying... is he serious? A sudden joy began to grow within me, I couldn't help but smile as tears fell out of my eyes. 'this is really happening! oh Ai'

"Ai! Yes, Yes I will!" I yelled, cried, and ran into Ai who embraced me as if he'd never hold me again. The feelings I had are to hard to explain with any of the words I know. The joy brought up within me, and my new beginning with Ai will now start. The rest of our lives we shall spend with one another. I couldn't help but think of how great that would be. How happy me and Ai will be, and how much our fan girls, who shipped us together from the beginning how they would react to this. I could only image how this would be. I could only think about it, but not surely knowing of what would surely happen, which only kept me more excited of what I had ahead of me now. My mind absorbed in my thoughts I hadn't realized how long me and Ai had stood there in each other's arms. Our thoughts being shared, our joy and love intertwining for our internal love for each other. A eternity we shall spend with one another, not only with our bodies, but with our minds our souls.

I inhaled deeply and sighed, joy overriding all my emotions, I was still crying, so happy of what had just happen to me. This will change everything.

"Ai.. I love you so much.. I can't wait until--" I began,

"Syo... shh.. we'll talk more about this later when we have less of a crowd. I love you too... I hope you know how much" Ai smiled, keeping his arms wrapped around me. And turned to this "crowd" he had mentioned. I looked over in the direction of his gaze to see smile nearly fan girling friends of mine. Natsuki seeming not to be able to contain him self any longer stood there by Cecils side, Tokiya and Ren stood there with smug faces of and Otoya was grinning at me and Ai. Their looks could explain everything they thought of the situation. The happiness and somewhat amusment radiating off of them.

"I love weddings!" Natsuki cheered, and ran to me nearly knocking me over, and instead of getting pissed off. I stood there and accepted his hold over me and Ai.

"You should let us plan this out!" Otoya exclaimed cheerily, clearly taking Natsuki's side.

"Not without us, of course." Masato said, a warm smile on his face.

"We'll all plan this together of course." Tokiya added, then stood forward with Otoya.

I just smiled at all the kindness coming from them, I looked to Ai who seemed quite fond of the idea taking place. Well it would be much less work for us than with just me and Ai to plan all of it. But, it did worry me that Natsuki would be part of putting my and Ai's wedding together. I shook the spine chilling thought out of my head, I swear to god if he makes me wear a dress he will not live to see the next day. I cursed inside my head but kept the thoughts away and returned to the conversing friends of mine, who were eager to hear more of what they would do.

"Wait, wait." Ai began, "I don't think you should be planning this in front of both of us. We want it to be a surprise.." Ai looked down at me and gave me a soft-hearted look.

"Of course." Ren said then, gestured the rest to follow him.

"Natsuki!" I yelled, "no cute stuff!" I shouted toward him, only to gain, mumbling disobedience from my tall friend. I shrugged it off and turned back to Ai when they had walked far enough into the distance for furthur planning, I sighed. WE don't even have a particular day to have this occur on. But, I'm sure this can be discussed,

"So, how are you feeling about this..?" Ai asked with a bit of concern, I looked up at him.

"I think we still have a bit to go." I said, though I felt pretty happy about the fact of me having Ai to myself for keeping for the rest of however long we had. Nothing bad can go wrong...

Or can it...?

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