Perfect or Not?

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Ai P.O.V

I sighed with a smile on my face as Syo and I reached our room, after my proposal. I had a feeling i would be keeping this smile on my face for a while. And for me, smiling isn't really a big thing for me. Foresay my emotionless appearance at most times. But, what reason  had I to show it till I met this wonderful being who I fell in love with. I look to Syo who walked lazily over to our bed,

"psshhaaaa" Syo exhaled as he lethargicly let himself fall into the bed, "tired..." he fumbled words under his breath, noticeably falling asleep laying there half way on the bed and nearly falling off could occur with any bodily movement. I smiled and walked over to my sleeping love and adjusted his body to lay properly over the bed. I gave him a warm smile. This love of mine, so many emotions lay in his small figure. Outrageous, emotions yet he's gentle. but doesn't show it . Its halfly because of his size but more due to his personality. Yet again.. i did fall in love with him..regardless of the gender i fell in love with this amazing person.

He's become the center of my life...

I carefully move onto the bed, trying not to wake his sleeping body or disturb him in anyway. I lay next to him and embrace him. He shifted next to me and snuggled against my chest his breath shallow and soft. His heat radiating onto me, made me want to be like this forever. But I had the rest of what I have to give to give to him. The rest of my life and loyalty will now lay with him. Nothing can seemingly go wrong at this point... Nothing.

My thoughts drift from that to the sleepiness that crept its way trough me, my eye lids becoming heavy as I stared at Syo's beautiful face. I looked a second longer before laying to rest as well.

"I love you... Syo.." I murmured before drifting my way into he depths of sleep.


-bang slam!!!!-

noise erupted in the room causing me to shoot up out of bed, Syo not far behind my first move. In panic we loomed over to where the noise came from and heard soft direct whispers.

I gestured Syo to be quiet and he nodded and followed closely behind. I glanced around the corner and saw six familiar figures arguing over something, i smiled in a bit of irritation, then turned to Syo who was behind me,

"It's fine" i said softly as I walked into the kitchen, and got shocked stares from them, the idols, Ren, Masato, Tokiya, Otoya, Natsuki, and Cecil. Who now were glaring at Otoya,

"What's with all the noise? and how did you get in here?" I questioned the six who are guitly of waking me.

"Well if someone hadn't been so clumsy" Tokiya gave a playful yet serious glare, Otoya submissively sank to the ground,

"hehe... gomen'nasai .." Otoya apologized sheepishly.

"We were going to make the two of you something!" Natsuki cheered, the rest looked awfully scared.

Having experienced the horror of Natsuki's cooking...

"We, NOT including Natsuki. He was going to watch." Masato said as kindly as he could.

"We dont want you to die." Ren mumbled. then coughed as if to cover it up.

I looked back to Syo who seemed to have a smug smile on his face.

"Well thanks for the thought." Syo said, "but thank you for saving me from Natsuki's cooking" Syo laughed, all the others including myself joined in on the laughter.

"Well, we can't have you die before the wedding," Cecil smiled,

"True." I smiled warmly,

"Talking about that when is it going to be?" Syo asked,

"A month?" Otoya said unsure, he stood up and stood next to Tokiya.

"Maybe a bit longer" Masato added,

I smiled, just a month. It'll be worth the wait.. I Looked at Syo, imagining how my life would be after the wedding. After the ties are made, after I say "I do.." The planning will be the easiest part. The day it comes will be the hardest day.. but the day I will see through to the end. I smiled once more and became lost in thought in of Syo.. the wedding.. and what is to come..

Nothing can go wrong....


or can it..?


Chapter 2!

Will it go perfectly? Or will something happen?

Stayed caught up for more!


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