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*after shower and currently leaving to meet the guys for discussion*

Ai P.O.V

Syo and I walked through the halls of the luxurious hotel we are staying at with the rest of our fellow idols. Syo walking silently next to me, he had a bright glowing era surrounding him. I smile myself and look forward. The wedding will be the best, planning it may be a bit of a pain. Especially with the help of Natsuki, and his obsession with everything small and cute. Although, I do believe it will work out quite well, or at least I can hope.

I sighed, and looked to Syo who shared the glance with me, smiling he grabbed my hand making my hard thump within my chest,

"I love you, Ai." Syo smiled brightly, then looked forward. What would my life be like without you..? Even with only the short amount of time we've known each  other. Everything seems to have been outstretched as if we've known each other for the longest time. I now cant even imagine what it had been like when I hadn't had this beautiful angel by my side. Along with the rough patches we've encountered but have overcome. The differences we've had but we made things work. How I fell in love with this beautiful human being, without even knowing myself at first. And the first steps of mine towards this love, being not well thought, ending with hurt on both ends of our story. But, I know we're bound to go on. This love is still strong within us. Which is why I proposed my love to you, Syo.. I hope you know how much this does mean to me.

*at the wedding discussion*

"What about the Piyo chan cake?!" Natsuki complained childishly, I gave him a half hearted smile. As the rest argued around me of what the decoration shall be, the theme,  color arrangement, flowers. who will be the best man, who will be invited. The list only goes on. I sighed with a bit of frustration,

"There is no way in hell, I will ever have a Piyo Chan cake at my wedding!" Syo stood up sternly, his hate for cuteness has only grown stronger due to Natsuki. I can only love you more.

"Natsuki, take it down a notch with the cute, we have to make this perfect for Syo and Ai. it's their wedding after all," Tokiya pinched the bridge of his nose, seeming annoyed wit the lack of progress. I sat back and watched the others argue back and forth, a permanent smirk planted on my face,

"But the flowers--" Natsuki said,

"You're asking for too many of them!" Masato snapped,

"We don't need that many Natsuki.." Otoya sighed, "how about we do a few roses here and there?" Otoya added,

"Yes I agree with Otoya!" Syo added his own comment.

"Then let that be final, my love." I smiled, making Syo blush and turn away.

"It's settled then. " Ren chuckled now we still have more to work on." Ren sighed.

I nodded, we still have much to do. Too much if you would ask me, but I want this to be perfect for the one I love.. Syo. I smiled as I watched Syo's facial expressions change frequently from, irritation, happy, disappointed, and completely confused. The sound around me blurred. My mind is always centered on Syo. He's my day in day out, every  thought, every worry I have, all of  the happiness within myself is because of him. To think that one person could do this to me. I smirked. This one person, I look up to my love. this person is the only person..

The discussion and planning soon came to an end due to, mass arguing and some things left unsettled, for discussion to continue another day.

"Gosh, I'm glad me and Otoya think alike and have very similar ideas for the wedding! I don't know what I'd do without him!" Syo smiled, as we left the room. This struck me a bit in the chest, like a small dagger. I brushed it off and figured nothing of it. Though what had happened began rise back up again. I smile attempting to push the thoughts away. They are no longer necessary.

"Oh really? Well, that's great." I smiled at Syo, I just love it when he smiles like that.. But he only smiles like that.. when it has something to do with me.. I looked away almost instantly. Causing Syo to frown.

"What's wrong?" Syo asked, worry washed his voice. I turned to him, the smile returning my face,  not convincing myself that I'm smiling.

"I'm fine. Just a bit worn out from thinking." I said then gave no emotion as I turned to face the front of me. let it go. I repeated that in my head over, and over. Let it go.

The wedding will be perfect that's what I have to look forward to. I smiled, Yes the wedding. The wedding will make me feel happier. A slight smile was brought back to my face.

The wedding...

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