(I) Chapter 4 - The Ace from the West Pt.2

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---(Nighttime, Neymar's room)

(Lucio's POV)

"...It was then, in the heart of the game, that I realized the real meaning of teamwork and unity. I pressed on and on, pushing and leading my team to victory in the end. But this was not the end of my journey just yet, it was merely a battle won in the war..." I read from a book.

...However it seemed as though that was the last page.

"Darn...guess I have no choice but to go to sleep now..." I sighed and closed the book.

Anyway, at the moment I'm in Neymar's room, reading on the couch, using my phone as a light.

"Lo apague...El teléfono es demasiado brillante...(Turn it off...You're phone is too bright...)" He woke up.

"¿Estás despierto todavía? ( You're still awake?)" I said, realizing that he was up.

"I was...not anymore." He replied.

"My bad." I apologized.

"It's fine, I just can't believe you're reading at a time like this. But let me guess, the whole Rey thing kinda bothers you?" He read my mind.

"A little, I just wonder how we're even going to play together at this point...If what you're saying is true, that Rey was Suarez's replacement, that means the new trio is me, you, and him." I said.

"You're right about that, not exactly what it used to be..." Neymar reminisced a bit.

"Hey...speaking of which. Tell me, what was MSN (Messi, Suarez, Neymar) like? I heard you guys were pretty great together." I smiled a bit, eagerly wondering.

"Yea, we were. It's not often that you get to work with great players like those guys, the three of us were close friends too, so we'd usually always hangout with each other. Every game was a journey for us, having good times and bad times. It always took the three of us to work together to achieve things." He explained.

"Wait a minute...That's it! It's so simple." I realized something.

"What is "it?" " He asked.

"We all just need to hangout together. If we do, I'm sure he'll warm up to us." I said.

"It's worth a try I guess...I've had a whole year with him already I'm not sure it'll be so easy." He laughed.

"...Let's give him a chance. maybe there's something about him we aren't seeing just yet." I suggested. Remembering what Sergio told me, about "The first year being the hardest". Maybe Rey also had a difficult time.

"First thing in the morning, give it a shot...but before all that, I'm going back to sleep." He said turning to the other side of his bed.

"Same." I laughed as well, covering my whole body with the blanket I had.



"Hey Neymar." I said.

"Yea?" He said.

"...Are you ok with me wearing Messi's jersey?" I wondered.

He laughed.

"I was in your exact shoes when I came to Barcelona. 21, not really knowing anyone or anything about this place, Messi was the first person I talked to, who I became good friends with." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea, you remind me a lot of him with the speed and the talent, you know?.. Although, you're a lot more tenacious than he was that's for sure. You're eager and willing to a take the awkward risks...I guess you and Sergio really are related then." He joked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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