The Truth/ part 1

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"I have to leave early", Malia says.

"Why?  Do you want to tell me something Malia?", Stiles asks.

"I am going home", Malia says.

"You don't have a home!", Stiles laughs.

"Of course i have, cause we are going to buy a house.", Malia answerers.

"Who is we?", Stiles asks confused.

"He said that i looked tired, so he is going to buy us a house."She answerers.

"Who is he?" Stiles asks angry.

"You know we hadn't been in Beacon Hills for a long time and i was there to surprise my dad..."

"Malia Come on!" Stiles says.

"The person i was talking about is Theo Raeken." 

"THEO RAEKEN!!!", Stiles screams.

"Theo f*cking Raeken ?"

" I was invited to a party and he asks me a lot of questions, he really seemed interested and i mean Stiles you are beautiful and very nice and i love you but..."

"Yeah I know...He is very hot, he got great hair, perfect body... you said it in High School.", he answerers annoyed.

"I am learning how to change from human to werecoyote and back.", She says.

"I can be myself with him.", Malia smiles.

"You can be yourself with me too! Can't you?"

"Uuuhm... sure I can be myself with you too, but with me and Theo it's different. We have a connection we never had and we will never have . Do you remember High School?" Malia asks.

"Of course I do, I mean nobody will forget High School!" 

"I was telling scary things, cause i didn't knew how a human act and you want me to be more humanly, but I am different, Stiles. I am a werecoyote!" she tries to explain, but he didn't understand.

"Yeah Malia, but you weren't just a little different, you did jokes about hunting and your favorite food is deer.", Stiles responses.

"A lot of people love eating deer.

"Yeah Malia, but cooked.So what is so different between you and Theo?"

"He laughs about my jokes, he went hunting with me and he didn't wanted to change me."

"I understand you - a little bit, you two have a connection, but what is with his annoying grin?"

"Really Stiles ...Lets get away from me, we have to move on with you."


"Is here another Stiles, of course you ! What is between you and Lydia ? I know you never loved me like you love her. We had a relationship but you still was in love with her." She says.

"Malia don't say..."

"Stiles you know you love her. Be honest with yourself,  you love her since  3th grade.", Malia smiles.

"Tell her, I know she loves you too."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am."

Her phone vibrated the sixth time in the last five minutes.

"Maybe you should answer."

He looks at her phone and reads the messages:

"Hey princess ❤️"

"Where are you?"

"Do you have forget me?"

"I'm waiting nearly 30 minutes."

"I miss you!"

"MALIA! Did something happen to you???"

"Wow ... he really cares about you!"

"Yes he do, cause he loves me."

"OK.. but is he always calling you princess?"

"Maybe.",  she grins.

"I have to leave,  but don't forget to think about what i told you!", She says and leaves the room.

we Hope that you enjoyed our story. Please leave a feedbag. if there are any mistakes please tell us.

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