The Truth/part 11

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Hey guys, first I'm really sorry that I didn't update for so long. Its Just I have to do a lot for school and I didn't had the time to write... but now here is the truth part 11 

Ding Dong !


Ding Dong !

Arrrgh I wanna sleep, whoever this is can come later I say into my pillow.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong !!!!

Arrrrghh okay well, maybe I'm gonna open the door.

I stand up, to open the door. Its maybe 6 am and im wondaring who the hell woke me up on this time. I hope this person has a good reason.


Okay I have rang often now and I know she dosen't like to wake up early, but I need help and she is the only one who understands my problem.

I left Rosewood, because I wanted a new life, a new start, I wanted to forget my past, but now 8 years later im standing here and begging for help, she's probably gonna kill me

I bought her a cupcake with the rest of my money. Its her favorite. Maybe that will soothe her. I hope so.

I hear footsteps and then the door opens and in front of me stands a completely confused Mona Vanderwal.


This can't be real I just be still sleeping, but why would I dream about Theo, my ex boyfriend Theo, the Theo who left rosewood with out a warning. No im defiantly not dreaming.

„Good morning, I'm sorry. I din't wanted to wake you up, but this is really important, and oh before i forget, here is your favorite cupcake." he grins and walks in.

I'm still in shock and don't stop him, close the door and follow him into my house.

„Ääähm where can we sit and talk ?" he asks

Right i forgot, he does not know my new house and where the rooms are, but now I slowly come to my senses and before I say something, I give him a gross slap.


"Autsch... that hurts." I mumble. Of course she don't know that I'm a chimera and a slap don't hurt me, but I kind of deserved that.   

"What are you doing here ?" she asks.

"I wanna talk. I have a problem."

"You really think that I help you. You really think that !?"

"I hope so.."

"I'm not gonna help you with any of your dumb problems you dumbass!" she yells.

"Okay... I understand that. But I don't have other choices so." He pauses. "I'm really sorry for that."

Before she can ask what I meant, I hit her hard and she falls.


I slowly open my eyes. My head hurts. I can't remember anything, just that I opend the door and then Theo... 


 Yes I remember. He came here, because he had a problem and he wanted to talk with me and then he hit me. Oh I'M gonna kill him !

"Good morning beautiful." Theo says and sit next to me.

"What is wrong with you ?!"


"Really ? Then why the f*ck you hit me and then tied me up like a hostage."

"Because, now we can talk." he says and grins.

"God damn it ! Then start."

"So I maybe lied about the problem. I have more than just one."

"Then tell me the biggest problem, you jerk."

"I soon become a father."

sorry for the short chapter 😬❤️

And yeah I know at the gif/picture Mona is slapping Alison and not Theo but this gif is so funny (mona's face at the beginning ) so...😂

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