The Truth/ part 10

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Okay before you read  this new chapter, I need to explain something. In this chapter you will find out who Malia's friend is, but also were Theo stayed or what he did in that night. I thought it would be cool if I do something different in this Storie so you need to read and find out what it is.❤️

Theo's pov.

After walking the whole night, I finally arrive. It takes very long to come here and I'm more than happy to see a diner, cause I'm starving. Exactly at this moment my stomach grumbles and I begin to walk. It's been long , since I was here the last time, but nothing changes. It's like I never left. All the people, the stores and the streets. Rosewood is still the same. I'm not sure why I came here, but I need to get out of this situation and I need help.


"Morning, Mal."

"Morning. Did you sleep well ?"

"Yeah, your bed is very comfortable but the couch would also make it." He says and grins.

"I think, I have to tell them what happend last night."

"Yeah, but then they wanna know why and I don't think that they like, what you're gonna tell them."

"You're  right, but If I don't tell them, I have to lie and I don't want to do that."

"So you're gonna tell them ?"

"Yes. WE are going and I'm not gonna lie, I' m going to tell them the truth so they help me finding Theo."



"Does anybody in this room knows what we're doing here ?"

"Nope, Stiles "

"Malia just texted me and told me that we all have to come here, because she wanna tell us something." Lydia says.

"Really ?"


"And why she is not here ?"

"I don't know, Liam ."

"So we came here at six o'clock in the  morning, because she want to tell us something and we all are here but she is not ?"

"Yes, that represents our situation very good Liam." Stiles says 

"Maybe  she is late, because something happened ?" 

"Yes Kira something happened and I need to beg for a favor ?"

"Malia ??"


"Okay ... this weird "

"What is weird ?"

"Its the second time that you come late and the second time that you bring someone with you ! I thought this is a pack meet and .." but before Liam can end his sentence someone interrupts him.

"So I'm not in the pack anymore ?"

"Derek !" Scott says and hug him, really happy that the unknown person is Derek. 

Also Stiles and Lydia are happy to see him and they want  to tell him everything what happened in the time he wasn't in Beacon Hills. Malia let them say hello and tries to don't look sad , but Lydia noticed it and seizes the word.

"Guys ! Don't forget why we are here, I think Malia wanna tell us something different. Right ?"

"Yes, thank you Lydia "

"No problem honey "

"Äähm... I have to tell you guys something. Something big and please don't blame me or anybody please just listen "

"Sure" everybody agrees. 

"I don't know were to begin... first I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant ? "


"Congrats "

"So we have Scott and Kira's wedding and Malia is  pregnant.."

"Theo as a dad " stiles snort and Liam giggles.

"Yeah, there is the problem. I told him yesterday that I'm pregnant and than he  thought that I'm joking , but than I told him I'm not and he just left." Malia says close to crie.

"OMG, he is an idiot, how can he leave you alone with your baby !"

"he just left ?"


Do you like the idea of a crossover with pll ? 

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