The Truth/part 3

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"Where is Malia ?" Scott asks.

"Maybe, she is with someone !" Stiles says angry.

"Stiles ! Malia with someone. No." Lydia laughs.

"Maybe... we don't know." Scott answers.

"Stiles, do you know something ?"

"No Lydia ! And when there is somebody she can tell it us herself."

"Ok you are right."

They are standing there a few moment, talking about unimportant stuff as they here a known voice. It was Malia, but she wasn't alone. As they see the person next to Malia, all their mouths open. The person who is standing next to her, his hands around her waist is Theo Raeken.

"OMFG!" It was Lydia who says that, all the others are still standing there wondering why Malia would bring Theo Raeken, the person who destroyed their lives, the person who lied about the Dread Doctors and pretended to help the pack and  the person who shot Malia, that her mother can kill her only for claws, to their pack meet. 

"What ?" Malia says.

"You and ..." Scott begins his sentence, but can't finish it because Kira interrups him.

"THEO !"


Now the attention was no longer directed to Theo and Malia, because everyone is turning to see Stiles answering the question.

"You know that."

"Do you guys have a problem with that." Theo begins to talk.

"No..." Kira says.

"Yes ! Of course we have."

"Scott !"

"What ? Baby do you like Malia and Theo together ?"

"No." she looks at Scott "Maybeee... I don't know I'm confused."


"Yes Liam ."

"I think it's Malia's choice, with who she wants to spend her time . I'm not saying that he deserves her, but if they are happy together I'm okay with that."

"Really Liam ! I swear if you'll hurting her, i Kill you !"


"Ok stop, I will not hurt her. I love her."


"Kira, Lydia stop that." Stiles screams.

"What ? It's cute." 

"No it's not."

"Stiles, Scott. I unterstand why you are so distrustful, but i swear I'm not gonna hurt her. I changed, Malia changed me. I am another person now, so please give me a second chance."

"Ok, fine." Scott and Stiles agree.

"So what is the big surprise ?" Malia asks, because she wants to talk about something else.

Scott blushes. 

"Omg, you are pregnant !"

"What ? Malia ?? Scott can't be pregnant. Do you know how babys are made ?"

Theo laughs.

"Stiles ! Of course I know, I do it often enough." she grins.

"Eeeehw, please don't give us any details." 

"I not meaning Scott, I mean Kira."

"OK guys..." Kira says, but Stiles quickly begins to talk, before Kira can finish.

"I'm going to be an uncle. Uncle Stiles. " he says proud.

"And you Lydia and Malia aunts, also Liam."

"I'm not a girl ,Stiles."

"I know Liam, I mean uncle."

"And what is with Theo ?"

"Nothing, what should be with him ?"

"STOP ! Please guys stop talking for a moment."

"What ? Do you have a problem with us, being your little baby wolfs  uncles and aunts ?" 

"I am not pregnant."

" You are what ???"

"Yes I am not pregnant."

The whole pack is standing there, only looking  at Kira and Scott. Stiles looks really sad, but not like someone dies, no like a little boy who's ice cream falls down. Theo next to Malia looks really amused by the drama. He likes how the pack, most Stiles  don't understand what they are trying to explain.

After a moment Scott begins. 

"The big Surprise, yes guys you were right it something between me and Kira, Do you want to tell them ?"

"Sure, we will get married."

Lydia is the first person who says something.

"Congrats, i knew it before that you two will marry.

"Thank you." they answer smiling.

After Lydia everybody begins to congratulate and to embrace.

"This are really big news, so can we sit down and begin to eat, i am really hungry."

"Yes Liam, I am hungry too."

Malias POV:

"So you and Theo.."

"How long ?" Kira asks.

"Next week one year."

"Oh..WOW !"

"What ?"

"I am just surprised I thought Theo can't love somebody."

"Really, don't you saw how different he was, when Malia entered the space ? He already liked you as that time."

"You will know, I'm not the Banshee." Kira giggles.

"Ok girls ,but please can we speek about our future woman Mrs. MCCall."

Kira blushes as I said Mrs. MCCall.

"Ok, so what do you want to know ?"

"How did he asks you, was there some signs  ?"

"Slow down Malia  or do you have a suspicion, that somebody will make you a marriage proposal ?" 

I hope you enjoyed this capital. If there are any mistakes pls tell me and pls leave a feedback or any comments 💓

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