Chapter 2

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Tim and I are walking around town trying to process all that's transpired in the past few hours. "What did he mean, Kate?" He asks "well I'm pretty sure I'm the stones protector now." I answer "I mean about the 'using it' bit." He clarifies, "don't ask me." "I am asking you. You're supposed to be the expert here on all things pirate." He practically yells "would you keep your voice down! Pirates are still active down here even today. We don't need people thinking we're some of them." I say trying to make a point. "Look, I'm just trying to understand what we've gotten ourselves into." He's trying to reason with me. "What we've gotten ourselves into? You heard that man, Tim. It's just me, I alone have to protect the stone." I argue "I was shot at too Kate!" "So was everyone else, Tim! It probably wouldn't just be the two of us if you had let me go back for them!" I shout "and what? I was supposed to let you die?!?" He yells stepping in front of me blocking my path. "If that was to be my true fate then yes! We are not pirates! We don't have to follow the pirates code! They would all be alive if you hadn't forced me to leave them all to die!" I yell in his face and walk around him. "So if we were pirates you would follow it?" Tim asks I roll my eyes before turning to face him. "No! My moral code is more important." I walk off not knowing where I'm going as long as it's away from him.

As I walk along an unfamiliar rode I reply the story over and over in my head. I don't get it, that last line is the key to figuring out what the stone is capable of. "Who you are shall take you far." I think aloud. The damn story always seemed so simple before. I always thought some of it was just meaningless words meant to make it sound nice. Now I'm not too sure about that. "I need my things if I'm gonna figure this one out." I say to myself. I walk into a convenient store and ask for directions back to the hotel I'm staying at. The lady at the counter calls me a cab. Apparently I've walked farther than I thought. When the cab arrives I get in and tell the driver the name of the hotel. We arrive after a twenty minute ride. " how much do I owe you?" I ask walking up to the drivers window. " no charger for the protector." He says. I look up to see the man from earlier he drives of without another word I try to chase after him but it's no use. I walk in and go up to my hotel room. I pull out some papers and spread them out on the desk.

I've read them all front to back countless times believing I know everything there is to know about this artifact only to be proven wrong in less than a few minutes. I spend hours sifting thorough old stories and texts about the stone before I realize how late it is. "Holy shit! Thee AM?!?" I get changed into a tank top and yoga shorts. Putting the stone in my bra for safe keeping for the night. I pull my hair up into a ponytail then begin to clean up my papers for the night. As I'm putting things away a small box of separate research falls over and onto the floor. "Damn it." I sigh walking over to the fallen box. I pick pages up glancing at each paper I put back into the box. All items in the box are on a particular pirate that I can't seem to learn much about. Captain jack sparrow. He in particular has many stories to him, but each story I find only mentions him. He was wanted dead or alive with quite the bounty on his head. But nothing I find seems to live up to said reward. When I was a child my parents would tell me stories of captain jack. I later found none of which they told me were to be true. The box of research used to be bigger, lots of it given away or sold as many items were not credible information.

"Captain jack sparrow" I sigh "I had forgotten all about your box.", I used to think being a pirate would have been fun and exciting but the older I get the more I start to grow up and realize not all stories are true no matter how much I wish they were. "I wish I new your stories captain jack." I think aloud before covering the box and heading to bed for a few hours sleep. It's difficult after the events of the day but sleep eventually finds me.

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