Chapter 4

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Somehow the pirate was able to get the guards to stand down and has started telling stories about his adventures. His stories sound familiar... but something isn't clicking on my pirate obsessed brain. I find myself listening intently then it suddenly clicks. He's captain jack sparrow! How could I bait have recognized him from all my research. Does that mean this isn't a dream? The story telling is soon interrupted by a splash over by the fort. "Was that a person?!?" I ask genuinely worried. "Will you be saving her then?" Jack asks one of the guards "I can't swim!" He answers. But I already took off my flowy tank top and proceeded to dive in the water rolling my eyes and make my way to the girl. I reach the girl just as she hits the sea floor. I take the dress off her to make her lighter and easier to bring to the surface. Jack arrives not a second too soon and helps me. When we reach the surface I climb out of the water and onto the dock and help jack get the woman up as well. The two guards come rushing over to help us as I lay the woman on the dock. The two swarm her pushing jack and I away. "Not breathing!" One of them shouts. "Move!" Jack and I say In unison. Jack takes a knife and cuts the corset off of her. She coughs up water and tries to catch her breath. "I never would have thought of that." The guard says.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." Jack replies. He then picks up the necklace around the woman's back and inspects it. "But that's..." I say knowing what it is and not believing what I'm seeing. "Where did you get that?" Jack asks. A sword is then pointed at jacks throat as well as mine. "On your feet." A man says I look up to meet his eyes and see this isn't just any man of the Royal Navy, but the commodore himself. Jack and I rise to our feet as a man who appears to be the woman's father rushes over to her and covers her with his coat "shoot them!" The man insists "whoa, I'm cool! I swear!" I argue "father! Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuers?" The woman asks. The commodore hesitates but has his men lower their weapons. He puts away his sword and hold his hand out to jack. "I believe thanks are in order." He says, jack is hesitant but accepts the hand shake. The commodore grabs his hand and yanks back his sleeve to reveal the brand of a pirate. "Had a brush with the east India trading company, did we, pirate?" The commodore says. "Hang him!" The girls father says. "Are you serious? He just assisted on the saving of your daughter's life." I protest. "Keep your guns on him. Gillette, fetch some irons.... and a covering for the young lady." The commodore says. I then realize Ive been standing in front of all these men in nothing g but my shorts and my bra. Whatever it's just like a bikini anyway.

The commodore pulls jacks sleeve up farther showing his tattoo of a sparrow flying over the sea. "Well, well. Jack sparrow, isn't it?" Commodore asks "captain jack sparrow..." jack and I corrects. Jack quickly glances at me again with the confused and curious look "... if you please, sir." Jack continues. "And what is your relation to sparrow?" Commodore asks me "nothing what so ever." I answer the commodore seems skeptical but chooses to believe me. "Well, I don't see your ship 'captain' " "I'm in the market, as it were." Jack answers. "Said he'd come to commandeer one." A guard from earlier says. "I told you he was telling the truth. These are his sir." The other guard says handing the commodore jacks things. The commodore begins to inspect all that he has been handed. "No additional shots not powder. A compass that doesn't point north." He pulls the sword from its holster "and I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of." Commodore finishes. "But you have heard of me." Jack says. Commodore grabs jack bringing him over to Gillette. "Commodore, I really must protest!" The girl yells as she follows them. I follow as well, he helped save a life he shouldn't be punished for it. "Carefully lieutenant." The commodore says "you can't seriously be arresting him?" I asks as jack gets cuffed. "Pirate or not this man saved my life." The girl adds. "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." Commodore argues "though it seems enough to condemn him." Jack says "indeed." Commodore agrees. The lieutenant finished cuffing jack "finally." He says bringing the chains around my neck "don't shoot!" The girl yells looking desperately to the commodore.

"I knew you'd warm up to me." Jack says in my ear "you call this warming up to you?" I ask "commodore norrington, my effects please. And my hat..." no one moves upon jacks request "commodore." Jack presses, the men lower their weapons and on of the guards hands the commodore jack's things "Kate.... it's is kate?" Jack asks "I'm flattered you remembered." I answer sarcastically "Kate, if you'd be so kind. Come, come, dear we don't have all day." The commodore hands me jacks belongings then jack spins me around to face him now holding a gun to my head. "If you'll be so very kind." He says. I roll my eyes but proceed to put hi effects on him. "Easy on the goods darling." He says as I put his belt on. "Are we done here?" I ask "almost." He says in a hushed tone before spinning me around to face the crowd again "gentleman, ladies, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught captain jack sparrow!" He removes the chains from my neck and shoves me into the crowed of men. Jack uses a rope to get himself in the air. He swings around while shots are fired at him. Eventually jack land on an archway and uses his chains as a zip line to get away. "Are you alright?" The woman asks as the guards hands me a jacket before they all leave to go after jack. "Who? Me? Oh I'm fine." I answer "you said your name was Kate yes?" The girls father asks. I nod in response. "Where do you live? I'll see to it someone escorts you home to ensure your safety." He offers "well, you see... I'm not.... what I mean to say is...." "are you without a home?" The girl asks "yes, I woke up on the docks this morning not knowing where I was or how I got there." I answer slightly embarrassed. "You shall come back with us then." She offers "Elizabeth.." her father is quick to protest. "This woman has aided in the saving of my life. The least we can do is let her spend the night and give her some proper clothing." Elizabeth insists. "Very well." Her father agrees.

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