Chapter 12

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 "It's Armin and Hanji!" I cheered and saw them walking up the stairs. I sit at the front of the door waiting. When it opened Mr.Eyebrows was there. "Mr.Eyebrows!" I jump on him and he pets me. "Hello little one. I got a surprise for you." He said and I tilted my head. "You're moving to my mansion! And guess what?" He points to Armin and my eyes widen. "Your married?!" I asked. "Just dating at the moment." Mr.Eyebrows says and I jump up and down. "Did you tell her?" Armin asked and I nodded and jumped on him. "We can be a family again!" I yelled and they laugh. "What about me?" Hanji pouts. "You to." I said and rub my head against her finger. "And you're mates." Armin said pointing to the two glaring Nekos.

"Yes!" I said and Armin picks them up. I nuzzle them and they all fangirl/boy. (Cause why not?). "What about my stuff?" I asked and Mr.Eyebrows pets my head. "You're room has a castle that has three floors for you tiny cuties. It is like a real house." He said and my eyes widen. "Thank you!" I said licking his cheek. "Haha, just like before." He said and I smiled. "I want my gummy bears through." I said going to my room and pulling out five bags. Erwin picks them up and I smile. Big men started to lift things and I packed my clothes. I dig through trying to find... "There!" It was an old picture with Mr.Eyebrows, Armin, and me. We were all smiling. "Hey, what happened that you guys keep say 'like before'." Levi asked. Eren nodded and I sighed. "I'll tell you another day." I said packing the picture and my clothes. I had my own mini suitcase and put some of Eren and Levi's clothes in it. I grabbed some of Eren's boxers that had mady duck on them and laughed. "H-Hey don't laugh!" He yells at me and I kiss his nose. "I think it's cute." I said and he blushes.

I grabbed Levi's boxers that had roses on it and I blush. "You're always in my pants." He whispers and I blush bright red. "I hate you." I pout and he licks my face. "I love you to." I said after and he smiled. "I'll be in your pants one day." I whisper to him and he blushes and freezes in place. I push him and laugh when he falls as if he's a statue. I pack more and when I was done I carry it out the door. 

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