Chapter 22

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"I wanna know if you would play with me during my stay?" He asked and I tilted my head in confusion. "I'm staying because..." Erwin walked over. "His owners died from a robbery." He said and my eyes widen. "That's horrible..." Bertholdt said nuzzling Reiner who just backed away. 'Um..." I look over at Levi and Eren. They nodded. "Sure.." I replied and his tail wagged. "Really! Can we play Marco, polo in the pool?!" He asked and I nodded. "You're Marco Eren." I said and he smiled and walked into the water. I went into a corner. "Marco!" He yells. "Polo!" I yell and he comes towards me. "Polo!" Levi yelled and he switched directions. I smiled at Levi who got tagged. He started to come in my direction and I moved but he knew where I was. He was going to pounce on me till Reiner pulled me out of the way. I laugh as Levi gets flustered.

I see Bertholdt sitting out though. I get out and sit next to him. "Are you okay?" I asked and he sighed. "He likes you... Not me..." He said and I frown. "Hey, I'm sorry but... I'll stay away from him so you can have your chance okay? I don't want to upset you." I said and he nods. "Come on, let's play." I said and he smiled. "Did they really try to tear up the bow I gave you?" He asked and I nodded. "I didn't let them though." I said and he nudged me. "Thanks, it means a lot to be honest. For someone who had a hard life you really pulled through." He said and I blush and push him into the pool. Levi pounces on him. "You're it!" Levi said swimming away. Bertholdt smiled and he closed his eyes playing.

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