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your lips.

your god forsaken lips.

they're always so soft on mine, brings me ease. brings butterflies to fill my stomach when there's no space between us, i can smell your wonderful scent of honey.

that was another thing about you. you always smell like honey and since we met it's always been my favorite smell just because it reminds me of you. i want you to take me, take me to places i've never been before then i will be able to smell your honey scent all the time. it brings me reassurance, makes me feel safe.

you're warm and when you're gone i miss being curled up together watching some sad show on tv. your kisses on my skin, the soft whispers in my ear.

even when you aren't there i still smell that wonderful honey scent somehow and your voice lingers in my mind.

you call often, telling me im beautiful even though you can't see me. even though you hadn't seen me you always, always make sure to let me know how "beautiful" i am.

"honey, you look beautiful today."

"you don't know how i look today, darling. you couldn't possibly know-"

"you're always beautiful, every curve, crease, outline, and inch of that wonderful body, perfect face, soft voice. i want to show you how beautiful you are sora. you deserve to know."

"i love you, hyojong."

i like this chapter a little, its cute.

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