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"sora, how about we get rid of everything and go away together?" you said, facing my back and heart full of sorrow and a desire to start over. just the same amount desire as my own.

i stared out onto the balcony of our small apartment we shared. the sky looked beautiful too, like cotton candy at the carnival when i was only six. it make me think and its funny because i was thinking about the same thing you were.

i wanna get away, is what i thought.

"and where exactly are we going to go darling?"

i've always wanted to visit china or vietnam and the thought of going to either one of those places excited me. excited me to the point my heart seemed to beat faster and faster as i waited for you to answer.


i gasped and turned to see how serious you looked, im going to miss seoul, its such a beautiful place but i agreed to going any because i want to be with you until forever and even after that.

"when do you want to go?"

your eyes lit up and a smile spread across your face as you danced around cutely.

i liked when you got like this and i loved knowing i was the reason you got like this.

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