Steve and bucky

214 13 1

Being harassed while shopping and Bucky and Steve defending you.

  You walk into the store shopping for the Avengers because food supplies has gone low, and lets face it food never lasts long at the tower. Steve and Bucky tag along but run straight to the costume section to mess around with the masks and such. You reach up on a high shelf to get frosted animal crackers for Bruce. If Bruce didn't get his animal crackers, it would not be good. Looking over you're shoulder, you see a guy and his friend watching. "Creepy." You think to yourself. "You're just being paranoid. You contimue on and put the crackers (all 10 crates.) Into the cart. One of the guys whistles. You spin around "You got a problem?" You ask the guys. "My only problem is you fine lady ain't on me." You get offended, "I actually like a guy who can actually grammer," you respond. "What'd you say to me?" He starts coming towards you, you start running down to the aisle where Steve and Bucky are. Bucky has a horse mask on quietly trying to sneak up on Steve. "Uhh did I intterupt something?" You ask a little out of breath. They both turn towards you "Kinda," Bucky answers. Steve looks at Bucky, "Real mature." They two guys show up behind you. "Whats going on here?" Steve and Bucky ask in unsion. "None of your business so why don't you two scadattle outta here."
You answer, "These boys thinks it's okay to harass a lady."
"Is that true?" Steve asks the guys. They soon realize who he is
"N-no we were just-"
"Then why were you chasing her?" Buck asks at Steve side. "I don't belive you guys have meet my boys." You say towards the two that were chasing you. "Bucky and Steve."
"I think someone needs to learn some manners." Bucky says
"Agreed." Steve responds.
"Uh-oh." The two guys say in unsion as the take off running. Steve and Buck run after them. All you hear are high pitched screams and begs of mercy. After the comotion stops, you walk around to find them. You find the guys hung to the ceiling with their underwear over their head. You stand in between Steve and Buck raising your hand up in a fist they both fist bump you at the same time "Nice Job." You guys check out with Bruce's animal crackers and Bucky's horse head. "Did you really need that?" Steve asks as you guys head back to the tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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