3 | From Loss, or From Mistakes

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l i b e r o s i s

the desire to care less about something


Gryffin's footsteps were silent as she walked quietly through the Lemurian Star, her covered eyes trailing over every inch of the ship. The silk of her thin mask tickled her nose as she looked up, her eyes squinting at the sound of a jet.

"Brock, where'd you say the hostages were? Let me secure the area," she muttered, her eyes flicking up at the sound of a jet in the distance. She grumbled quietly under her breath before pressing up against a wall, nonchalantly kicking her leg out and effectively rendering a man unconscious. She caught him with her other foot and silently placed him on the ground.

"Negative. We can't have Cap finding unconscious bodies lying around, or he'll know something's up." She rolled her eyes before grabbing a taser from the unconscious man's belt, feeling it between her fingers.

"He'd know something's up anyway, I've got five guys laying around already." Her head shot up at the sound of grunts of pain and the slightly familiar sound of a shield hitting bodies. She stooped, curling into herself slightly as she blended into the shadows. Slowly making her way to the area where the sounds were coming from, her ears buzzed at the sound of a gunshot.

Gryffin's eyes focused on a parachute and then multiple others descending not too shortly after that one. She stepped back, and hid within a shadow. She curled and uncurled her fists anxiously, waiting for her brother to give her instructions.

"Get to the kitchen." Her brother's muffled voice crackled through her earpiece, and she crouched, making her way over quickly, her shoes silent against the boat surface. She made it in and nodded at Agent Rollins as her brother grabbed a man quickly before he hit the door.

It was silent on the other side of the door before a gruff voice spoke out in French. "Two minutes," the voice said. Her brother and the other agent held their guns up as Gryffin carefully placed the suction cup against the door, her eyes squinted in concentration. She nodded at Brock as his eyes remained unwavering from the door.

"STRIKE in position." She stepped back, quietly again, her mask deterring her periphery vision. She grabbed her Chinese ring daggers from her utility belt, keeping one on each index finger. She spun them nervously as they waited for the signal.

Loud gunshots rang through from the galley next to them and she pressed the button quickly, removing the barrier between her brother and the pirate on the other side. He was dead as soon as the door was gone. With a heavy thud, he hit the floor.

"I told you, SHIELD doesn't negotiate."

"Now's not the time, Sitwell. He's dead anyway, we gotta get going." She muttered the last part under her breath as she undid the hostages' restraints and tugging them to their feet. They made their way out of the galley, walking through the long halls.

"Enigma, go outside and see if Cap needs anything. Snipe the pirates." Gryffin nodded and shifted through the shadows to make her way out. Just as she found the spot Cap was, her ears were attacked with the sounds of combat and she hid back in the shadows.

'How am I supposed to kill him if they're moving so much? Goddammit Cap,' she thought, annoyed.  Batroc started doing gymnastics out of nowhere and Gryffin stood, impressed. Suddenly, the fight stopped and the two spoke in what Gryffin assumed was French. Captain America put his shield on his back, and dropped his helmet to the floor beside him.

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