6 | Courage

17 1 0

m o n a c h o p s i s

the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place


Gryffin stood at the side as Pierce greeted the World Security Council. She held her head high and her shoulder straight, hands holding the briefcase that held the pins. The four came up to Pierce and they started walking as he struck up a conversation.

"And how was your flight?" Pierce inquired. 

"Lovely. The ride from the airport less so," said the Councilwoman. Gryffin licked her lips anxiously and chewed on her inner cheek.

"Sadly, SHIELD can't control everything."

But HYDRA wants to.

"Including Captain America," included Councilman Rockwell. Pierce walked over to Gryffin and she opened the case. He took out the pins, and handed one to each of the Council. "This facility is biometrically controlled, and these will give you unrestricted access."

They each put on their pins and they headed up to the top floor in which they were staying. Pierce handed each of the councilman a champagne flute and gestured for Gryffin to get closer.

"This is Gryffin, she has been my right hand woman for the past four years and has been a massive help to our cause." Gryffin smiled politely and nodded at the councilmen. She took a champagne flute as well and Pierce started his "great" speech.

"I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth, and some of you would have gladly kicked me out of the car along the way. Finally we're here, and the world should be grateful." They started to drink to his toast but they suddenly hear the Captain over the loudspeaker.

"Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we though it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been and it's a priceI'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

With that, Gryffin subtly passed Pierce the phone that controlled the pins. The Councilmen looked at all of the "SHIELD" members and then at Pierce, their frowns growing.

"You smug son-of-a-bitch," Rockwell said, his grip on the glass visibly getting harsher. 

Singh looked at the "SHIELD" guards who had just come in and said, "Arrest him." When they merely raised their guns and aimed them at each of the Councilmen, he stepped back. Gryffin walked over and stood next to Pierce.

"I guess I've got the floor now."

Gryffin looked out the window and frowned at the commotion that was already erupting outside, gently nudging Pierce. "Sir, Rogers and Wilson have already created quite the commotion." He looked over and sighed, gesturing for Gryffin to step back. She moved away, watching from a bit of a distance.

"Let me ask you a question. What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow, and you knew that they were going to drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution?" Pierce handed Singh a champagne flute. "And you could just stop it with a flick of a switch. Would you? Wouldn't you all?"

"Not if it was your switch." With that, Singh threw the glass to the ground where Gryffin stood and she took a quick step back, glaring at the Councilman. Pierce merely chuckles and Rollins hands him a handgun, and Pierce aims it at the Councilman's head.

Suddenly, Hawley kicks Singh away and grabs Pierce arm before he could shoot and punches him in the face. Gryffin takes this as her chance to shift out but is cut off by Rollins grabbing her arm and telling her to stay put before he himself gets beat to the floor by a very agile councilwoman.

Gryffin steps back, putting her hands up mockingly. The councilwoman stands from her crouching position, gun in each hand pointed at Pierce and Gryffin. She pressed a button on the side of her head and her face started to change, holographic patterns fizzling.

"I'm sorry." her voice was warped and Gryffin immediately realized who it was. Who else would it be? She pulled of the sheet-like mask and the wig, revealing a smug Natalia Romanova.

"Did I step on your moment?"

Now Pierce and Gryffin stood back to back, a gun pointed to their heads by each of the Councilmen. Pierce eyed the phone on the table and Gryffin attempted to shrink into Pierces shadow without being called out.

Natasha stood at the computer, tapping the keyboard lightly and watching the holographic screens. Rockwell looks at the screen over his raised arm and asks, "What are you doing?"

"Disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the internet," Gryffin responded, mumbling. All the secrets, which included hers. Her eyes widened and she shuddered lightly.

"Including HYDRA's," Natasha added, looking up from the computer to look at the shuddering girl, an inquisitive frown on her face. "And SHIELD's. If you do this, none of your past is gonna remain hidden," Pierce said as Natasha continued to type away at the computer. "Are you sure you're ready for the world to see you as you really are?"

"Are you?"

Natasha continued to type as Pierce and Gryffin watched the numbers and letters on the screen.

"Disabling the encryption is an executive order, it takes two Alpha Level members."

Natasha looked at him, humor lacing her features. "Don't worry, company's coming." Just then, a helicopter lands outside and Gryffin's eyes widen at the sight of Nick Fury, albeit wounded, alive.

"Did you get my flowers?" Pierce asked. That provoked a glare from Fury and Gryffin looked down, feeling uncomfortable. "I'm glad you're here, Nick."

"Really? Cause I thought you had me killed."

"You know how the game works."

"So why make me head of SHIELD?"

"Cause you're the second best and most ruthless person I've ever met." Gryffin nearly stepped back but remembered the trained gaze of Natasha Romanoff and the loaded gun aimed at her temple.

"Who's the first? I did what I did to protect people."

"Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder, war. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? Holding action, a band-aid. And you know where I learned that; Bogota. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It's the next step, Nick, if you have the courage to take it."

"No, I have the courage not to."

She didn't want to be there.


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