4 | Broccoli

19 1 0

a m b i v a l e n c e

the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone


Gryffin and Sam were leaning against the front desk laughing at something stupid that Sam had said when her phone pinged in her pocket. She looked down at it discreetly and her eyes widened slightly. Quickly tucking it away, Gryffin looked up at Sam and grimaced.

"I'm gonna need to raincheck that bar therapy, Sam. Something came up," she mumbled, as she started to back up towards the door. Sam looked up and shook his head. "It's alright, don't worry 'bout it."

Gryffin nodded at him then looked at Ciara. "See you, C!" Ciara waved in response as Gryffin rushed through the doors and jumped into her car. Backing out of the driveway, she called her brother, her eyes scanning the streets.

"Rumlow." Her brother's voice rang through the phone and she quickly pulled out of reverse and sped out of the parking lot, weaving between cars.

"Brock, status report."

"I don't know why you sound so urgent. It's a simple extermination, nothing he hasn't done."

"Yeah, but this is Nick Fury we're talking about, not some fuckin' prime minister. He's the spy. Not any spy. He's head of SHIELD for a reason," she spat, her teeth gritted and her fists tight around the steering wheel.

"Yeah, and that reason is Pierce. Now the guy wants him dead, what do you think? Pierce put him up there, he'll pull him too."

Gryffin huffed, before making a sharp turn to the SHIELD base. "I'll be at SHIELD in five. Hang up." She looked down for a split second to make sure he hung up before growling out a few profanities.

As soon as she parked, she was out of the car, her heels clicking against the floor harshly and her keys jingling at her side. She pulled out her ID and scanned it, quickly going up to Pierce's office. Pierce was a sort of father figure to her when Brock had distanced himself from her awhile ago, so she didn't find it difficult to get information from him.

"Pierce!" The man's head moved to face her, his face merging into a slight smile. He dismissed his secretary and he straightened before leaning on one of the couches.

"Gryffin, how can I help you?"

"I heard about the Soldier's mission. Why wasn't I informed? I don't need him getting caught while still remembering me." She frowned slightly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, it's a simple execution, not a top of the line mission. It's nothing he isn't used to."

"This is Nick Fury we're talking about! Why are you killing him?! Aren't you the one who put him in that position?" Pierce stood before walking to the window and looking out before taking his glasses off and wiping at them with a cloth.

"He was prying into Project Insight, sound familiar?"

Gryffin walked next to him, as she frowned, trying to remember.

"It's vague, but yes, I do recall."

"Let me refresh your memory. We're planning on using helicarriers to wipe out a number of the population. Rogers, Romanoff, Strange, the president, etc. Fury seems to have found out that we aren't using the helicarriers for what we said we were."

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