Chapter 2: Left hand of Widows.

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Five long tiresome days of killing and grinding level within the game which was more like a endless hell for Brone who built up a reputation among the player base by his name Thaddeus the Southpaw. The games harsh nature making co-ordination and co-operation vital in which a death caused you to either start at square one or degrade your equipment, no surprise this lead to nearly a third of the player base adopting a fusion of online Psychological warfare which involved the killing of other players, theft of items and currency but those were run of the mill. Due to the game being linked into the mind, effects to the brain effected real life ordeals such as murder, rape and torture. Brone who already had a growing anger for his friend turned enemy, it only added to the rage that ensued.

Already achieved max level over his enraged five day massacre of the games mobs and minions, level 100 was a rare sight due to the death system, Brone didn't care for he was in hindsight already dead. The Easter counterpart holiday within the game rolled round, countless players were simply enjoying the festival within the towns and cities but the now called 'Tormentors' lurked around the rooftops and alleys preying on players for the money and loot in order to heighten their ego, one guild in particular was targeted on more then one occasion, the all girl membered 'Dark Widows' consisting of mainly fem-gamers in their twenties with some either in their thirties or rarer forties to the bare teenage ones. The Widows were known among the game as profession instructors in which they passed on knowledge on how to obtain materials, craft and enhanced items ranging from weapons, armor, inventory and even cosmetic. During the holiday they were holding an event for a festive dance and feast, this draw out the attention of the Tormentor guild refereed to as 'Sin-sanity' which was lead by a diabolic woman who had suffered many events both in game and in life. As the night dragged on the members of Sin sat awaiting the perfect time to strike as the games weather drew into a storm to which the guild was almost famed for.

As the clash of lightning struck loudly and relentlessly the Sin members pounced like tigers causing havoc to the players just enjoying the evening, a fraction were killed without hesitation whilst others were raped, pillaged or tortured. A loud ringing of the church-bell and eerie choir put a sudden stop to this however as the entire player base froze to see a slow walking shadowed figure headed into the town whilst the choir and bell chimes were accompanied by organ play, it was Thaddeus himself with some changes to his appearance since his arrival in the game, a black tattered hat covering a pearl white mask hiding his eyes, a worn tarp with a massive diagonal rip from left to right at the end flung over his back. Still wearing the raggy tattered shirt and leggings with wraps around both hands and feet completed the dark persona which added to the battle-weary state he was in.

Finally walking into the light of a street lamp illuminating him underneath it he slowly moved his arms placing one hand on the front brim of his hat with the other one on had the back brim leading to slowly removing it unveiling his hair which was dry and messy, the hallow death stare of the pearl mask pierced all who saw it like an arrow to the spine, at last he spoke deep monotone and unmerciful, "All this killing, with no punishment in sight". Only being able to say that one sentence before being jumped by some frantic Sin members who's flurry of blade strikes ripped the clothing further but his health barely budged, letting out a heavy sigh of unamusement his left hand slowly moved to the hilt of his wooden sword now sheathed on his back and with a single quick-drawing swipe the handicap was gone as the four attackers fell like water, "Death is inevitable, for you are facing it right before" he added releasing his grip from the wooden hilt of his sword after sheathing it.

This causing the Sin member to flee in terror whilst the rest of the players remaining were glued in place unsure of what to do. The gaze of Thaddeus slowly turned before his almost bare feet walked forward across the stone pavement approaching one of the Widow members who's clothing was torn into rags barely covering anything, his stone gaze stared downward at her as she shivered fearfully and cold. As everyone expected him to violate her what followed surprised them all, removing his cloak and kneeling down placing it around her he was suddenly struck by a dagger to the back of his shoulder hearing the ravenous sinister laughter of a female.

"Fool, you think you're death itself!" the ringleader of Sin cried out with bloodshot eyes, at the same time he rose to his feet yanking out the dagger from the back of his shoulder simply staring at the bloodened blade as he turned around. Slowly walking towards her silent as his arrival clinging tightly onto the blade bloodening his palm making the ringleader raise her eyebrow.

"I am not death, I am simply it's harbinger" he uttered in a whisper as he drove the hilt of the dagger so hard it impaled through her neck as the blade stuck out frontward he followed up with a quick-drawing downward strike of his sword killing her entirely as her game avatar faded in golden dust. Looking around he finally spotted the Widows main officer, "Best you advise everyone to head to a safe zone and log off, that ain't the last of them" being his statement before putting on his hat and walking off.

The following morning having spent the night on a high branch of a tree in the towns park, Thaddeus awoke to a mail message on his interface and upon opening it his eyebrow raised to what was contained. 'Thank you for your aid last night, we would like to name you friend of the Dark Widows. Please meet up with us at our guild HQ should you wish to visit", his first friends in his second-life but all that ran through his mind were the flashbacks of his deceased love but the recalling one memory of her saying how nice a person he was caused a small smirk to form on his face as he leaped down from the tree and walked towards the Widows HQ. Thaddeus was still searching for clues but for now his priority was helping others with his experience of the game like the Widows.

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