Chapter 10: Progression.

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(A/N: This is kind of like part two for the last part but I felt it counted as two separate parts for more enjoyment and a little tension.)

The four stood in awe at what stood before them, right until the creature lunged forward forcing them to dodge-roll in different directions to avoid bunching up. The ground cratering underneath the massive knife like legs of the beast whilst the four drew their weaponry, a stalemate between the players and creature followed suit for the next ten minutes as they awaited it's move to exploit. "Are we supposed to stand here forever, let's get the bastard already!" Rosa screamed out of fury before charging headlong toward it with the creature's reaction being a back-claw slam flinging her across the ground bouncing three times finally grounding to a halt. Both Melikra and Hinatana utilizing the moment to attack as they hacked and slashed in a flurry of strikes yet doing near to no damage to the creature, in tandem only enraged it lashing out the same strike that flung Rosa struck both of them landing in close proximity of one other.

Thaddeus meanwhile stood in place holding his sword loosely in his left hand beside him with a hallow stare, the creature turning it's attention toward him whilst raising the wooden blade pointing it directly at it then stating "Time for your ugly hide to eat the dirt". Following those words was a deafening roaring screech making the cavern shake minorly, right after the creature roared Thaddeus gave his own war-cry changing his raggy clothing and wooden sword to the dark grey plate and crystallized sword still wearing his chain-mail coat, the preparation of the duel being done both the creature and Thaddeus proceeding into a vigorous cluster of attacks each one gashing skin, letting out a forceful strike causing the creature to stumble backwards all the while Thaddeus turnt his attention to the three on the ground impaling his sword into the ground creating a shockwave causing their wounds to heal in exchange he became wounded himself. "Get up and fight dammit, I can't do this alone" he barked out with mass frustration standing to his feet.

With a regrouped and more organized stance on the fight one problem still remained between Thaddeus and Rosa due to her personal issue with having a male player around, the further time went on the creature became weaker and weaker from the strikes dealt to it before finally being slain. Thaddeus looked over the loot and noticed a piece that was ideal for both him and Rosa however he passed on it which in turn caused her to become angered, "You think I'm not good enough as is you'd willingly pass on loot?" she screamed directly into his face with his reaction being non-exsistant as his armor prevented back to the ragged clothing and his sword from crystal to wood, "Well answer me for fuck sake!" she added.

With a heavy sigh he answered "I don't need it, pure and simple" turning around walking further into the caverns searching for the barriers source, after minutes of searching high and low the group found a large crystal pulsating a bright pearl white then-after Thaddeus turned to Melikra and smirked saying "Would you please miss" making her as if on command draw her war-hammer and hurl it in a wide arch into the crystal smashing it to bits followed by a blinding light being instantly responded by a message from the Widows guild leader stating the barrier was down being supported by loud thudding echoes of cannonballs impacting the gates above them, "Time we head back up" Thaddeus stated as the group headed back up.

Regrouping with the other six members of the original group whom entered the caverns with them they proceeded back to the camp as loud impacts of stone to metal was ringing out of the valley ahead Thaddeus made his way to the officers tent. For the next few hours the entirety of guild-officers planned out what to do next, they final conclusion was decided upon a cavalry pincer charge with a flaw being that Thaddeus had no mount whom instead opted for a silent shroud advancement in the darkness. Regardless of the final choice, Thaddeus snuck out in the depth of night making his way towards the now breached gates with the hope he could end it all before the mass-charge would commence, setting foot inside the mountain structure the voice of Anders rang out with a sinister laugh "My my, it seems I have an unwelcome visitor. What a predicament this is" the next sound afterward was a female scream.

"FIGHT ME COWARD, LEAVE AMY OUT OF THIS!" Thaddeus shouted at the top of lungs his face all reddened and veins bulging from his neck, nothing responded as he proceeded into a sprint stopping mid-way hearing a series of footsteps behind him. Turning around he saw the culprits, Melikra, Hinatana and Rosa which angered him even more to the point of him digging his nails into his head resisting the urge to lash out as blood formed around his fingertips, the sight causing two of the three to step forward making him lashing out shouting "Get away!" displaying fully he's struggling to control his broken state. Out of the shadows three arrows flew past him striking the three girls, Melikra being hit in the stomach, Hinatana in the shoulder but Rosa was shot-dead as the arrow hit the middle of her neck this being the final trigger as he snapped yelling "ANDERS!" as he arched his back directing his face upwards as Rosa's body dissolved into golden dust.

"It seems I upset him, whatever will he do my dear?" Anders voice rang around the room accompanied by Amy's scream only added fuel to Thaddeus' inferno as he drew his sword charging onward striking down foe's left and right with a mixture of jumping impalement, cleaves, slides and airborne stomps. The onslaught kept going as he reached the spiral staircase fighting his way up, whilst bodies either tumble or slid downward behind him right up until he reached a stain-glass door causing him to immediately barged through with his shoulder entering a wide open throne room, as Thaddeus scanned around the room his sights rested on Amy barely clothed with her arms chained above her, skin bruised and reddened and shaking whilst she cried to the point her eyes didn't leave tears. Reacting to finally seeing her again Thaddeus bolted top speed to her dropping his sword just before reaching her.

"Amy, Amy say something... Amy it's me Peter, don't leave me again please" he said in desperation placing his palms on her cheeks trying to wake her up, turning around picking up his sword smashing the chains causing her arms to flail down and her body forward onto him. Her eyes began to flicker then open, her pupils being tiny dots, her skin gritty and dirt ridden and along with her silver hair. Although even just waking up Thaddeus showed signs of happiness again for all his rage had faded for it was the first time since their real life deaths they'd be in each others embrace. "I'm sorry for being late, I was lost without you" he whispered out as she placed her hand on his cheek then his hand ontop of hers as the both smiled at one other.

"Don't be, I knew you'd come" she replied all curled up in his arms, the moment was broken as Anders laugh emerged causing a chill to run down Amy's spine making her still whilst at the same time it made Thaddeus' anger return to him as his gaze snapped to his former friend, unlike their first meeting he was now wearing golden armor and wielding a long-sword with ruby hilt. "Peter" Amy whispered causing him to look at her being met with a kiss on his cheek before smiling.

"One last time Amy, then the rage will be gone. I promise" Thaddeus answered as the two rested their foreheads together, before standing up removing his chain-mail coat putting around her to cover her up proceeding to turning around embracing his anger kicking up his wooden sword twirling it around. "Time to equalize the board, -friend-" he uttered gritted his teeth staring at Anders the pair readying themselves in unison.

Artificial Emotion: The second life.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora