Chapter 3: Forging bonds.

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The day after having read the game mail from the Dark Widows, Thaddeus arrived at their massive compound headquarters taking form more of a castle or keep as silken drapes baring the guilds crest in the middle composing of the Black Widow spider in front of a sword doubling the symbol of Templar's with a scroll weaving around the bottom two legs of the spider to finish it off. From crossing the bridge he was met by a number of the members training the newer ones with their rankings pointed out by a sash covering half their right leg with a different design of widow spider, as he walked past some gazed like high-school girls towards the most popular guy whilst others glared at him. Finally reaching the door to the main building, Thaddeus was stopped by three of the members who for lack of a better word didn't like males. "You think just cause our officers allowed you friendship with us makes you special, this ain't no harem dream" the lead figure of the three stated only to be met with his silence and not even a turn of his gaze as he continued forward, in a split second she draw her sword with a quick slash directed at the back of his neck but was parried by his wooden blade with a slight movement. "Not bad, for a shogunist" she scuffed releasing the force to her sword before sheathing it, "Come on girls, he ain't worth our time" adding on before the three made their exit.

"Don't judge one of your opposite gender, it may cost you your lives" Thaddeus' hallow like voice spoke removing his hand from the wooden swords hilt as it slide back into it's sheathed state causing the three to turn around glaring at him more, "Hate me all you want, I didn't ask for your empathy or respect all a sudden" he added entering the wooden door with iron supports and handle. The inside of the headquarters like the outside was vast in beauty and size, pinewood furniture and silken drapes lined the area with a stone circle fireplace in the center with white fur rugs lining pathways to walk. His attention finally rested to a crescent table at the far end where five women sat all differ in age, appearance and he knew there was a solid reason why. Removing his hat from his game equipment tab then back to his inventory as it dissolved into dust sweeping into the air he took his bow in front of the five, "It is a pleasure to meet you all miladies" being his follow up after lifting from his bow with each of the five giving their respected bow in exchange.

"I hope you had no trouble getting here?" the most oldest of the five asked who was in her early fifties of which was head of the professions of the guild.

"No, the trip allowed me to ease my mind. However I did run into a little pinch before entering, something about shogunists" Thaddeus responded crossing his arms yet keeping his friendly posture.

"Oh you must mean Rosen" the youngest member spoke up being in her late teens whilst also being head of player versus environments in the guild, she shook her head with a face-palm causing Thaddeus to raise an eyebrow barely noticeable under his pearl white eye-mask.

"This isn't the first time such a thing has been noted" the guild-leader herself stated who stood out from the other four due to a shoulder mantle taking form of a black widow on her right shoulder, "Rosen although our best swordswoman holds a grudge against men due to a number of traumatic experiences both in the game and real life".

"I understand, I won't hold it against her. Didn't expect such a warm welcome at once anyway" Thaddeus responded with a minor smirk as he unfolded his arms.

"We didn't ask you here to joke around, you're the most rumored players on this game and we require your expertise!" the second youngest of the five snapped out of no where slamming the table as she shouted, the guild-leader holding her hand out towards her to clam down.

"What she means is, we've hit a peaking point on how far we can help other players. You have not only done some of the more tricky bosses encounters but you've dared to even solo them, it took a well renowned raiding guild a month to beat one but in that span a time you alone solo'd ten" the final member stated who was clearly their tactics and mathematics expert along with second-in-command.

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