Chapter 5: True persona revealed.

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For nearly two weeks Thaddeus sat in the same room where he spent his recovery, the wound although healed kept stinging from the dagger dealt by his old friends hand. Adding to this were the increase of flashbacks from his former life, the shocking moments of destructive rage from anything as minor from a wrong look to a misunderstanding, the Black Widows guild were uncertain of what to do with this newly obtained information regarding the most rumored player within the game. No surprise was Hinatana and Melikra didn't take it seriously however were restricted from interacting with him, the closest being on the other side of the steel door of his room locked with a series of padlocks. One evening however Hinatana wandered the headquarters to find the room housing Thaddeus was wide open with a mass buckling indentation at the center blasting the door out from the inside, the only clue was a discarded note that read 'I know where your love one is'.

Connecting the dots quickly Hinatana alerted Melikra with the two fleeting on his trail, they finally caught up having ran a whole thirty minutes to a mountain waterfall. At the bottom of the fall stood Thaddeus along with a group of other players surrounded by a heavy silence until it was broken violently from Thaddeus' voice containing high stress, frustration and anger "WHERE IS AMY! TELL ME DAMMIT!", the group merely laughed at his remark adding cocky jokes about how he missed his darling only to be met by an onslaught of attacks as flesh grazed stone and bone cracked from pressuring thuds leaving the still observing girls frozen in place at the more aggressive side of the normally go with the flow style of him.

"Please, have mercy!" one of the group cried out shaking as if a sharp cold shiver ran up into his senses as Thaddeus slowly stepped forward with the tapping of his cloth wrapped feet met the flat stoic surface whilst his left hand drew his sword with a quick slash through the air with the swipe of air impacting a tree causing a clear cut to break from the bark. "I didn't do anything wrong I tell you!" the man pleading for his life uttered as he stared into the deathly hallow gaze of the now darkened figure towering above.

"Where.... is.... Amy...?" Thaddeus slowly spoke raising his weapon with each words passing before delving a swift forcing swing cutting into the man, repeating the word "Where" with more volume and impact following suit by yet another swing. In the end Thaddeus got what he wanted as the man now crying blood and barely able to move from the abuse presented a folded up letter, swiftly being snatched up by Thaddeus he unfolded it and read the contents.

"Minions, I have one simple task for you.

Find and torment the one known as Thaddeus the Southpaw, let him know he is powerless to stop me and should well remember that. To do so you must use the ammunition I provide, information and location of his dearly beloved Amy, she is locked away in my castle and the only way he can even see if not save her is to defeat me in single combat.

Oh and I know you're reading this old friend, for I know your most darkest secret of which she locked up, now your built up rage is now set loose. Find me if you dare."

Crumbling up the letter gritting his teeth and body trembling from his anger, Thaddeus let out a terrifying roar as he decapitated the man who'd given him the letter with his final word being a scream of "No", what followed next was an out-lash of anger as the wooden sword sliced and diced rock, tree and carved dirt in it's wake all ending with him finally dropping the weapon as he fell to his knees crying heavily as he clung on tightly to his head repeating the name of his love over and over, a sign of unstable sanity and loneliness. Using this moment to move both Hinatana and Melikra slowly approached at constant fear he'd snap and assault them, finally having reached him the two made out that his mind and body weren't in the same spot at the current time as he simply sat idle crying his heart out with claw marks on the sides of his head, never before had they seen a young man cry so much.

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