Lucina's Wild Side

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In the kingdom of Avalor, you'll find many wonderful things. Or hear to be exact, when you listen closely. If you do, you can hear the sound of pure joy near the docks of Avalor.

"Whoo-hoo! This is so much fun! Why didn't you teach me this earlier, Naomi?" Lucina jumped for joy as she steers the ship.

"Maybe because...whoa! Because I didn't want you to drown us!" Naomi said, and tried to keep her balance on the ship.

"Can...can you please stop the boat, Lucina? Please?" Elena asked feeling a little sea sick.

Elena knows that she has never gotten sea sick in all her life...that is until now.

Lucina laughed very happily as she finally got to do one of the things on her bucket list, that she made when only five years old.

"Lucina!" Mateo called from the docks, "Mom needs you. We need to go!"

"Aw...but, Mateo..." Lucina trailed off and gave her brother the puppy dog eyes.

" the puppy dog eyes., Mateo, stay firm...but those eyes. Ugh!"

Lucina giggled at her brother and stated, "I can see that you are at war with yourself. You can carry on and I'll just keep having the ride of my life!"

"No. Lucina, come down. Please."

"Can't I do it a bit longer?" 

"No. If you don't mom is going to ground us. And I have a record for not getting grounded the longest."

"Are you sure? Because either you are a good boy or mom's just being nice."

"What do you mean?"

"To make my point, you were sorta a secret criminal. And by that, magic was banned in Avalor and you studied it even when you knew that you could have been locked away," Lucina pointed out, "Plus, mom knew and never said anything to you about it."

"But...just get down here."

"Fine." Lucina pouted and steered the boat to the docks.

Lucina soon came out of the boat, followed by Sea Sick Elena and Dizzy Naomi.

"Whoa. You two look like a mess." Mateo analyzed.

"Wow, I totally did not notice." Naomi sarcastically said.

"It's official. I'm never riding a ship that has Lucina at the wheel." Elena said sounding very sick.

"It wasn't my fault. You just had to fall overboard and climb back up." Lucina protested.

"I tried to teach you, but you grabbed the wheel and started sailing before I could even do anything!" Naomi said starting to feel that same kind of anger she felt when she first met Lucina.

"Ok, so we should be going and see you later." Mateo jumped in to stop an argument from happening.

"Fine!" Naomi and Lucina huffed in unison.

Mateo and Lucina walked home in silence half the way and Lucina couldn't help but break that silence.

"What did Mom need me to do?" Lucina asked quietly.

"She wanted you to help her out with a few chores seems too late now." Mateo answered.

"She won't be mad...right?"

"I'm not sure. But, she shouldn't."


When they got to their house, their mom waited at the door.

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