Investigating the School

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Preciosa thought about waking up early the next morning and when she tried sneaking out she suddenly heard a voice calling her name and turned around to punch the figure.

"Lucina?" Preciosa stared in shock at her hurting friend on the ground.

"I learned something new. Never sneak up on someone who's...tough as nails." Lucina gasped.

Preciosa helped her up, "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to be as careful as I can be. Now, come on. This is our only chance of escaping."

Preciosa dragged Lucina outside and they both made a run for it.

"Where are we going?" Lucina asked trying to loosen Preciosa's grip on her arm.

"To the school We need to investigate but first...let's make a quick stop to the boys. We'll need some help from them."

Once they got the boys they were off to the school, but what they didn't know was that someone from the shadow kingdom was following them to the school.

"Why are we going to investigate the school?" Curro asked not wanting to see if their teacher was at the school waiting for them.

"To find some clues. I might have something that'll help us." Preciosa answered.

"Like what?" Renato asked, "It's going to be impossible to try and watch our backs. They are everywhere."

"You think I didn't know that?" Preciosa asked sounding really sassy.

"Continue." Renato gave her a sheepish smile.

"Now hold each other's hands, please. I need to work my magic." Preciosa grabbed her friends hands and they started walking through the the walls of the school.

The boys stared at her in shock just happened. Preciosa noticed and couldn't help but give them a smirk.

"What was that?" Curro trembled as he tried to figure out how they walked through the a wall.

"What are you?" Renato asked.

"She's not gonna say." Lucina answered.

"It's a secret. Now, let's go. We need to investigate this place. Something fishy is going on and I don't like it." Preciosa hissed and they followed her around the school.

"Don't you think we should split up?" Renato asked and Preciosa slowly turned around. Renato continued, "You know, to cover more ground."

"Scary tales 101: Never split up! When you do, it gives the bad guy an opportunity to pick us up one by one!" Preciosa whispered-yelled.

"Ok. It was just a suggestion."

"Well, not a very good one." Preciosa snapped.

Lucina grabbed Preciosa by the arm and pointed out, "P.C., maybe we should. We could find more clues like that."

Preciosa growled, "Fine. You three go investigate the classrooms. I'll take the principal's office."

"Is that girl crazy? She's just someone waiting to get assassinated." Renato screamed.

"She's tough. She can handle herself when needed." Curro explained.

Lucina rolled her eyes, "Let's just go and investigate, boys. This is the one time I get to leave the house."

"Ok." The boys said in unison.

Preciosa explored the empty hallways. She's snuck into the school on holidays before so it wasn't strange that the place was quiet. But, she noticed that the place was not too quiet. She soon heard voices coming from the principal's office and decided that it was best to spy on who ever was in there.

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