First Sleepover

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"Lucina! Elena!" Preciosa called to them with a smile on her face.

Elena asked, "Did you find something?"

"In deed we did. We found a book that says 'The de Alva history'. It must mean something."

"How will that help us?" Lucina asked.

"It might reveal something that might explain why someone would want to kidnap your mom." Curro explained.

"Ok. I'll read some of it tomorrow. Besides you three need to go home."

"Right. Um...see you tomorrow, Preciosa?" Curro asked, shyly.

"Sure. Where else would I be?"

"I don't know." Curro smiled and walked away quickly.

"Well, I hope Mateo's fingers heal soon. He might need them if something ever happens." Elena grinned.

"Well, he has me. And Renato."

"Right. Well, see you tomorrow." Elena waved.

Lucina noticed that Preciosa was still around, "Aren't you going home?"

"Nope. My house is far," Preciosa answered and explained, "Besides I left a note saying that I'm staying at your house for the night."

"So, a sleepover?"

"Yeah. My first sleepover. Do you know what we do?"

"No, because it's my first sleepover. But, I do know the basics."

An hour later, the girls were both sitting in Lucina's room and Lucina was giving Preciosa a makeover.

"Lucina, can I tell you my honest opinion about this." Preciosa gestured to herself in the mirror.


"I look terrible! I'm never, ever letting you pick the sleepover activities ever again!"

"You don't look bad. I finally got rid of that sombrero on your head. You look pretty. Although, to be honest you are nautrally beautiful."

"Ok, spill it, Lucina. Why are you giving me compliments? And don't lie. I'm like a human lie detector. So, try me."

"Fine. But, I think you're hiding something."

"Like what?"

"Do you have a crush on someone? Like a specific guy."

"What?! No, I like no one. I hate Curro."

"How did you know I was talking about Curro?"


"Because you like him. Ha, ha!"

"Fine! I like Curro but... I can't like him."


"I'm engaged!" Preciosa growled her answer.

"Aren't you too young to be engaged?"

"No. I'm suppose to marry some stranger right when I have had my quinceanera. My father planned it."

"Which one?"

"The dead one."

"But, he's not here anymore."

"Yes, but my adopted father is. Mr. Cortez and my dad were friends, so he knows who I'm marrying."

"This...this isn't fair. Why did he..."

"Because he said it's for the safety of Avalor. My father was a royal guard for Shuriki and hated it. So, he thought if I married a guy who could protect me from her, Avalor might be saved."

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