New Friends

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A boy soon walked into the room who looked a little worried. He had long, messy, brown hair. His eyes were the color of gold with tiny silver specks in each of them. 

"I'm here, sir. Am I in trouble? Or am I... I..." Curro trailed off and stared at Lucina then asked, "Another new student?"

"Yes. Would you mind showing Lucina here around?"

"Sure," Curro said, rolling his eyes and asked Lucina, "Can I see your schedule?"

"Ok." Lucina said.


"Whoa what? Is it bad?"

"No. You have three classes with me in a row."

"Seriously? That's impossible."

Curro grinned and asked, "Really? Why don't you compare yourself?"

Lucina muttered to herself, looking at the two schedules and soon saw it.

"You're right! Wow. Um... aren't you going to show me around?" Lucina said in a sarcastic voice.

"Yes. Just be patient."


He soon gave him the tour of the whole place and also had a few side conversations.

"And there you have it. One complete tour of our school." Curro beamed with excitement.

"Thank you."

"No problem. If you ever need anything you can come to me. After all, we are friends, right?"

Lucina asked with a shocked expression, "We're friends?"

"Why is that so shocking?"

"Because people usually don't like me. I'm just a jinx when it comes to making friends."

"Well, we are friends. So, lets get to class."

"Ok." Lucina said.

They soon made it to their classroom and got a scolding from the teacher.

"Why are you so late?!" The teacher asked in an irritated voice, which left the class snickering.

"Sorry, Ms. B. I was just showing the new kid around, remember? I'm​ a volunteer." Curro slowly said.

"Well, class meet..."

"Lucina." Lucina whispered.

"Lucina. Would you like to tell them about yourself?"

"I'd rather not."

"Good. Take a seat in the back."

As Lucina, walked down the aisles she heard whispering and snickering.

"It's ok. Most kids at this school are rude." Curro whispered.

"Ok. Something I've been through before."

As the classes went by, it was soon lunch and Lucina looked around the room to see where to sit.   Before she could make her move she was pulled aside. Lucina soon saw her kidnapper was a girl who was probably a year younger than her. She had black hair with red highlights and wore a hat on her head. She wore a shirt with a sugar skull picture on it.

"What...Who are you? And..." Lucina stammered.

"Can't talk. I need to get you to a safe place to eat." The girl said. 


"Here is not a good place."

"At least tell me who you are. And besides...I can't just run off with you."

"Seriously?" The mysterious girl sighed and said, "The name is Preciosa Cruz. You can call me P.C."

"Ok. Well, P.C., what do you mean by here is not a safe place."

"I'll tell you later." Preciosa growled and grabbed Lucina by the wrist.

As they moved through the shadows, Curro soon saw the two girls and decided to follow them.

"Ok, now can you tell me?" Lucina yelped.

"Fine! That place is dangerous because of the... Trio of Danger." Preciosa revealed.

"You're not telling her about the Trio of Danger, are you?" A voice said from behind Preciosa and she yelped.

"Curro? Ay! Don't do that ever again!" Preciosa warned and hit him in the arm.

Curro laughed, "For a girl who is tough as nails you hit like a g..."

"You better not say it! I can hit harder when necessary!"

"Sorry to interrupt your little reunion but...who's the Trio of Danger?" Lucina interrupted.

Preciosa quickly got into a story telling pose, "The Trio of a group of kids who love hurting newbies and all people basically. But, there is one person they never bully."

"Who?" Lucina asked.

"What? You want to know who?" Preciosa said and coated her voice with fake sympathy, "IT'S ME, YOU BONEHEAD!"

"Are you sure it's the Dangerous Trio I should watch out for?" Lucina squeaked.

Preciosa was about to talk until Curro stopped her and said, "Yes. They love to torture people. And it's all because they're rich and spoiled."

"Ok, not to be rude, P.C., but...are you sure you're not a bully yourself?" Lucina gulped.

Preciosa glared at her and said, "No. Bullies try to take people down and hurt them. I try to help people. I just happen to be very..."

"Rough." Curro finished.

 "Exactly. I know how to be a good friend whenever I need to be. And...I'm sorry if I called you bonehead." Preciosa apologized and soon spitted in her hand and asked, "Friends?"

"Uh...yeah. Friends." Lucina said struggling to shake the hand.

As Lucina shook the hand she nervously smiled and still remembered that at least she had some friends, and thought the germ infested hand is totally worth it if it could get her friends. Right?

Elena of Avalor: A Change in ThingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant