part 1

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Amy sits on angel cloud

Amy: mother??

Samantha: yes my child

Amy: May I visit the living

Samantha thought for a moment

She looks at her eldest child

Samantha: sure thing amy

Amy smiles and hugs her mother

Than she flys down to earth

But little did she know that down in hell

Shadow: yes father, you wanted to see me

Mephiles: I want you you harm the brats above us

Shadow knew that he couldn't disagree with his father

For shadow was the eldest of Mephiles' three children

Shadow: sure father

On the surface
With amy

Amy flys around the village

She stops when a circle of fire appears in front of her

Amy: what

A demon appears

Shadow: hello angel

Amy waves

Shadow stares at Amy confused

Amy: I'm Amy Rose the angel princess

Shadow: I'm the demon prince also my name is shadow the hedgehog

Amy: hi shadow

Amy smiles at shadow brightly

Shadow pov

Her smile is so warm
Her hair is a sweet shade of pink
Her white dress flows perfectly
She smells sweetly
And she is a princess

Normal pov

Shadow shakes his head

Amy: I have to go

Shadow: why

Amy: my mother doesn't want me to stay here long due to that Mephiles could find me

Shadow watches Amy as she flys away

Shadow goes back to hell

Mephiles: did you harm or kill anyone son

Shadow: no father

Mephiles: son tomorrow you must

Shadow nods and walks to his room

Sonic and silver stare at there eldest brother

Silver: why didn't you kill anyone

Shadow: I seen an angel

Sonic: really

Shadow: yes and she is a princess

Silver: what is her name

Shadow looks at his two younger brothers

Shadow: I don't know

Shadow walks into his room

With Amy
On angel cloud

Amy: hi sisters

Blaze, sally, rouge, cream, and Pluto fly up to Amy

Sally: how was your visit

Amy: amazing I met a guy

Blaze: who is he

Cream: what's his name

Pluto: is he cute

Amy: to many questions

Rouge giggles

Rouge: you just don't want us to know who he is

Amy: yes that's it

Samantha: hi Amy how was your visit

Amy: I meet a cute guy

Samantha: really Ames

Amy nods happily

Samantha: what is his name

Rouge: she doesn't want  anyone to know who he is

Amy: I need to talk to my best friend

Amy flys to tails

Amy: hey tails

Amy knocks on tails door

Tails: yes Amy

Amy: I need to tell you a secret

Tails opens his door wide enough for Amy to come in

Amy: tails

Amy sits on his couch while he closes the door

Tails: what Amy

Amy: I meet a demon prince and his name is shadow the hedgehog am I in danger

Tails: alittle

Amy: don't tell my mother

Tails nods

Amy smiles

Amy: so what's up with you and cream

Tails: she doesn't know yet

Amy: come on tails you can do it

To be  continued
Next part coming soon

shadamy: angel meets demonWhere stories live. Discover now