part 8

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No previously in the rest of these parts


Amy: not yet but I hope he asks me

Cream: but he is a demon

Amy: I don't care

Sally: he will just hurt you

Amy: I don't care

Sally: we are just trying to warn you

Amy: how would you know

Sally walks out of room

Amy and cream look at each other

Cream: Amy a demon is not a knight

Amy: but he is my everything

Cream: now mother won't let you see him

Amy: I know

Amy stared off into the sky

Shadow and Amy met everyday at tails house each meeting ending with a final kiss

Sonic looked for Sally

Tails and creams date

Tails: so how are you

Cream: I'm good you

Tails: I'm happy

Cream: what made you pick this place

Tails: well I know you like flowers so I picked this spot

Cream: I do love flowers

Tails stares at cream while she looks around

Cream: I wish there was a sunset

Tails: me too

Cream: did you know about Amy's demon boyfriend

Tails: no I didn't

Cream: you didn't so this whole time she never told you

Tails nodded

Amy walks up on stage

She looks at everyone

Amy: hi

Crowd expect taiream: boo you stink

Shadow was under the stage listening

Amy: can I explain

Random woman: get out of here


Everyone stayed quiet

Amy: I made may mistakes and so have you

Everyone nods

Amy: we learn from each and every mistake

Shadow peeks out from under to stage

Amy: we chose who we are. We chose our friends. We act how we want to. But we are all the same in one way.

Everyone leans in so they can here what Amy is about to say

Amy: we all are......

Amy is cut off by...

Hi guys
Pluto here
Just wanted to say hi

Don't get mad at me because I interrupted something interesting

Ok do get mad at me

But hey what Amy is saying is true we do chose our friends, who we are, and what type of people we are

But the one thing that's makes you well you is your personality
It's your personality
You can and will change it from time to time but it is what makes you well you

Now back to the story before someone yelled at me for my amazing speech

Demons start coming out of the floor

Every angle flys up

Queen Samantha flys up to Mephiles

Samantha: what do you want

Mephiles: your death

Mephiles uses his powers to kill Samantha


Mephiles: I guessing that your Amy

Amy nods

Mephiles tries to end Amy with his powers but Amy's necklace saved her

Amy: let's battle

Mephiles: to the death

Amy paused as everyone angel and every demon looked at her waiting for her answer

Amy looks into Mephiles eyes

Amy: I will fight you to the death but if you win you DON'T get angel cloud

Mephiles stares at Amy but he agrees

End of part 8
Part 9 coming soon
And the final after it

shadamy: angel meets demonWhere stories live. Discover now