part 5

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Mephiles finds out about shadamy
Sonic ruins his and Sally relationship



Tears roll down Sally cheeks

She flys home

With shadow in hell

Shadow: father I can't harm her

Mephiles: I'm sorry son but you must

Shadow shakes his head

Mephiles: we need that gem

Shadow: but it could capture us

Mephiles: I don't care

Shadow runs off

Mephiles:  son you are in deep trouble and once I have your girlfriend I will kill her

Shadow keeps running until he is in a forest

Shadow looks up trying to spot angel cloud

Once he found it he climbed to the top of the highest tree

He jumped on to angel cloud

Shadow runs to the huge castle

Shadow spots Amy with tails walking in angel park

Amy: so tails when are you gonna ask cream out

Tails: I don't know Amy

Amy: tails you love her right

Tails nods

Amy: so be brave and ask her out

Tails nods

than cream lands in front of Amy and tails

Cream: Amy mother wants a word with you

Amy flys off

Tails: cream

Cream: yes tails

Shadow rolls his eyes

Tails: will you go on a date with me

Shadow stares at cream

Cream: sure tails I'll love too

Cream hugs tails

Than cream flys off

Tails walks down the path to his house

Shadow runs off following cream to the castle

With Amy

Amy: what is it mother

Samantha: we need to find out Mephiles plans

Amy nods

Shadow listens

Samantha: no matter what Amy

Amy: yes ma'am

Amy flys out of the room

In hell
With sonic

Mephiles: so you ruined your relationship with an angel

Sonic nods

Mephiles smiles

Mephiles: does any of your brother have any relationship with angels

Sonic: no sir

Mephiles: what was that

Sonic: no sir they never met an angel

Mephiles: lier

Sonic stares at his father

Mephiles: your brother shadow has a relationship with the princess angel

Sonic: where is shadow

Mephiles: maybe with his angel girl

Sonic runs down to shadows room

He knocks

No answer

Sonic opens the door

It was empty

Sonic runs and looks in every room

On angel cloud
With Amy

Amy: Sally are you ok

Sally: I'm fine

Amy: that's a lie you are crying

Sally: I feel for a demon and he broke my heart

Sally covers her face in shame

Little did they know that shadow was watching and listening to them

Amy: Sally it's gonna be ok

Sally: if mother finds out...

Amy: I won't tell her

Sally hugs Amy

Amy hugs back

Shadow wished that he was the one hugging Amy
Than Pluto flew over

Amy: hi Pluto

Pluto: hi Amy

Sally flys off

Pluto: why was Sally up set

Amy: I don't know

Pluto: oh

Amy: so what brings you here

Pluto: there is a demon on angel cloud

Amy: how

Pluto: I don't know how

Amy: do you know anything about this demon

Pluto: only that
It is a demon

Amy: oh

To Be Continued
The next will come soon

shadamy: angel meets demonWhere stories live. Discover now