part 9

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Mephiles stares at Amy but he agrees

Amy flys toward Mephiles and summons he hammer

She goes to hit him but he dodges

Mephiles shoots Amy with his power but Amy hits it with her hammer

Which sent it towards Mephiles and it hits him

Amy flys closer to Mephiles and hits him

Mephiles hits a wall

Mephiles grows creepy bat wings

He flying towards Amy

Amy goes to hit him but misses but the angel jewel zaps him

Which  causes Mephiles to lose his bat wings

He falls to the ground really fall

Once he hit the ground he felt pain everywhere

Mephiles looks up at Amy

Mephiles jumps really high so he can reach Amy

Mephiles hits Amy so hard that she hit a wall causing her to pass out

Shadow stepped in

Mephiles was eyes to eyes to his son

Shadow ran to Amy a grabbed the angel jewel without thinking

slowly he started to turn to an angel and the gem turned to red and pink mix

Shadow flew high into the sky

He quickly charged at his father causing a big explosion

A few days later

Amy opened her eyes to find the angel jewel off her neck

She looks next to her and she seen shadow

He was badly cut up

He had a scar on his left eye

Blood coming out of his stomach and in his right hand was the angel jewel

Amy seen his black angel wings

Amy flew off to him

Amy leaned over him as he opened his eyes

Shadow: a-Amy

Amy: I'm right here shadow

Shadow: w-where am I a-Amy

Amy: hospital wing

Shadow put his left hand on Amy's cheek

Shadow: am I d-dead

Amy: no but your an angel now

Shadow: I a-am staring at o-one

Amy giggles and she leans in to kiss shadow

This was their final kiss because yet soon shadow died the next day

Completely heartbroken Amy stared into a window

As tears went down her cheeks she remembers how kind shadow was to her and how he made her feel

Amy could stand losing her mother but losing shadow made Amy more and more weaker each day

Amy slowly given in to the angel death

But than there in front of her

Shadow stood

He picked her up

He placed his lips on hers
Amy started to feel what she was missing from her whole life

The one thing she needs to survive

Her shadow the hedgehog

Nobody know the best thing in their life until it is gone

Which hurts them ever worst

Amy feeling toward shadow are real

She needed him like he needed her

Also don't worry shadow will come back fully in the final part

And no, I wouldn't end a story like this

Amy snuggles in shadows arms knowing that this could be the last time she ever gets to see him

Amy: don't go

Shadow: I have no choice

End of part 9
Part 10 is the final
How would you feel if I ended it with shadow died the next day

I'm not that cruel or even cruel enough to harm a  human being

So yea

See you in the final

shadamy: angel meets demonWhere stories live. Discover now