Chapter 2

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(A/N: This  is unedited!)

I sat in the jeep and stewed in my own embarrassment. What the heck was that? I don't flirt. I probably looked like I was trying to be that cheerleader we left behind. Completely and utterly humiliated. 

I haven't had a conversation with a guy that wasn't mocking or teasing since the whole Jay debacle. I finally am taking to a guy, even if he is Jillian's brother, and I made a complete fool of myself.

Jillian got into the passenger seat of Jax's car. "I swear Jax, you stay away from Sadie."

"Hey, hey. Calm down little sis. I won't try anything on her." He slipped on sunglasses and started the jeep.

"You better not. I forbid it. You would only hurt Sadie and she's been through enough." Oh please! As if he'd want to be with Slutty Sadie. No matter what he said to that cheerleader, I'm damaged goods.

"What do you mean she's been through enough?" He turned and looked at Jillian.

"Hello! I'm sitting right here! Plus, I would never be with him. I've dealt with enough assholes to last a lifetime. I don't like him." I don't know why I lashed out, but I did.

"I'm not an asshole!" Protested Jax. "You know some might say that love and hate are two horns on the same goat."

"Keep both of your goat horns away from me then. I didn't say I hated you, just that I do not like you in a romantic way." 

"You don't even know me enough to not like me!" He shot back.

My mouth kept moving without a thought. "I don't know Hitler, but I definitely do not like him."

"You just compared me to Hitler! Jillian, did you hear that?!"

"Just shut up you two." She sighed. "This is going to be a long ass car ride."


Jax drove to my house first to pick up my clothes. My mom wasn't home. 

I ran upstairs and into my room. 

I picked out an outfit for school tomorrow and stuffed it into a duffel bag. It really doesn't matter what I wear. It's not like any guys are going to look at me. Jay has made sure of that. 

I walked out of my closet to find Jax standing in front of my dresser. He had a pair of red lace panties in his hand. 

"Jax!" I screeched, snatching my underwear out of his hands. 

He just smirked at me. 

"JILLY!" I screamed. Jillian came running up the stairs and barged into the room holding a broom in her hand.

"I HAVE A WEAPON AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!" She looked around and when she was satisfied that there was no intruder, she put the broom down. 

"What's wrong?"

"Jax was going through my underwear!" I pointed at him, like a little kid when they tell their mom on a sibling.

"Jax! Quit being such a perv! Give it back to her." He reluctantly handed me back my underwear. My face had to be almost as red and the scrap of fabric in the hand.

"Now you can go wait in the car. I don't even know why you were upstairs in the first place." He pouted for a minute. Realizing that Jillian wasn't going to fall for his cuteness, he went downstairs. Cuteness? What the hell? I meant his face that he thinks is cute. I don't though. I think he's just another player. Yup.


Jax Collins is a player.

He'd only break me. Probably even worse than Jay did.

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