Chapter 3

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Jillian was standing in front of me, hands on her hips and a glare that could kill.

I was in the living room. I must have fell asleep on the couch. 

Holy crap, did my pillow just move?! 


The memory of last night came flooding back to me. Shoot, I fell back asleep.

My body was on top of his. This couch was hardly big enough for one person, let alone two. My so called 'pillow' was his chest. Our legs were intertwined and he was definitely 'enjoying' this , if you get my drift. 

I'm sure my expression was one of sheer panic. 

"Done checking out my hot bod, Princess?" He was awake!

I shot up off of him. He chuckled.

"Why didn't you push me off of you?!" 

"Where would the fun in that be?" He arched his eyebrows. 

"The f-fun?" I resisted the urge to slap some sense into him. It wasn't easy, but I did it. 

"Jax, I told you to back off! Sadie is... Different." Jillian scolded him.

"Excuse you?" I joked.

"You know what I mean, sweetie." 

I stuck my tongue out at her.

Jax ignored me. "What is so different about her, Jill?" 

"Wait, did you say his middle name is Gordon?" I changed the subject.

Jax's face went slightly pink. 

"Isn't Gordon the name of the curly hair guy in Lizzy McGuire?"

"I thought it was Gordo..." added in Jillian.

"Gordo is short for Gordon, my blonde friend." I rolled my eyes.

"I knew that!" She hates being judged for being blonde. She's actually quite intelligent. Everyone has their blonde moments though.

"Jax Gordo Collins. Cute." I smirked at him.

"I am not cute. I'm tough. Mysterious. Sexy. Not cute." He clenched his jaw. Hmm, finally a way to annoy him.

"Sadie, we have to leave in an hour, so you might want to get ready." 

"Is he coming?" I asked her.

"It's his first day."

"Thank you for talking about me like I'm not even in the room. It sure makes a guy feel special." He suddenly turned and ran up the stairs. "FIRST SHOWER LOSERS!" He yelled down at us.


One cold shower later, we were in Jax's car.

"I really hate you sometimes." I growled at Jillian.

As soon as Jax took the first bathroom, she took the other. 

"Psh, girl you love me." She waved her hand know that I could never stay mad at her.

"Listen Jax, I feel like it's only fair to warn you about something." I had to tell him. He was going to find out anyway. "I'm known as the school slut. I'm a total social pariah. The ironic thing is that I'm a virgin." My face went red when I realized what I said.

"That doesn't make any sense." He furrowed his eyebrows adorably.

Jilly answered for me. "She refused to sleep with the quarterback and he lost it. He set out to destroy her socially. I'd say he pretty much achieved his goal."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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