The Dream

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I had a wonderful but strange dream. I was with my family, we celebrated a holiday, I do not remember any more. We sat in the garden at the table. Among the blooming apple and cherry trees. But then, I saw that somebody was standing behind a tree. I could not tell if this person was familiar to me, but in obedience to some sixth sense, I followed him. The man went deeper and deeper into the garden. The branches prevented me from seeing him. But here, the garden suddenly ended and there was a dark forest ahead. Dry, black trees stood there, and the fog streamed through the earth with a light veil. The man stood at a distance in the forest. He was eyeing me. I did not see his face, he had a mask on it, but for some reason I felt that he was grinning. He looked, waiting, I decide whether or not. I crossed the line. And this man immediately started running. I ran after him, not analyzing the road, the fog clouded the way, branches whipped in the face, like a whip. Only the silhouette. Only a white symbol on his back. I ran out into the clearing. It is empty. Whoever it was, he disappeared. The fog rolled into a tight ring around me. I began to panic. Fear enveloped my soul like a malicious snake. I can not get out ...
- "Are you afraid?" The voice whispered to me. I felt that the one whom I tried in vain to catch up with, is behind my back. "You did not have to run after me ..." he turned me sharply to himself, "but you chose your destiny yourself ..." Eyes. His eyes. I did not see anything except them. Such blue, narrow, look literally into your soul. A guy ,whose name I do not even know, sharply pulled me to him and said: "-Time is out, but you're the chosen one. Chosen by me." After that, I felt a light, almost weightless kiss on my neck. But this place glowed as if someone put a brand there. "You are mine..." the stranger smiled. "What does that mean?" I asked. - "You'll take it when you look at yourself in the mirror ..."
I woke up.

A/n Sorry for mistakes. My English isn't perfect(

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