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It was in California. Two years ago I went to an internship in America. Tickets for the Summerland festival were bought and I counted the days before it started, I was pleased to listen to hits of World's famous DJs playing live, but I came here only for the sake of one person ...
Loose hair, easy make-up on the eyes to highlight them, black jeans, black sneakers, black sweatshirt with his logo and black mask. I don't care what others think. Today I will be a part of him.
Evening. I was walking around the festival grounds in the park. Suddenly someone slaped me on the shoulder. I turned around. The drink that I was holding in my hand immediately fell to the ground.
- Alan? ..
- Uh, hi. I'm sorry, I'll buy a new one.
-Don't worry, I'm a bungler. Did you want something?
- Uh, yeah ... I have a set in two hours, and I'm lost here like a fool. I can't find how to get to the main stage. Will you help me, Walker?
-Of course) Come on!
But not everything was so simple ... There were about 20 000 people at the main stage. But I had an idea ...
-Alan, give me your hand, please.
He was a little embarrassed, but gave me his hand. I dragged him through the crowd to the parking lot.
Aaa, how long have I dreamed of touching him, take his hand, and his fingers, all over my body... Wait, (y/n), don't even think about that. If you want to hear his set, then act girl! Crossing the parking lot, I took him to the back door.
-Thank you, but now you hardly have time for my performance.
-But I met you personally.
- No, I don't know what your name is.
-Wow, such an unusual name.
-I'm from (country).
-Amazing, I've been there)
-Oh well, there's security, good luck on your set.
-See you!
-I really hope for it...
I've got nothing to say, the set was gorgeous, especially live. I was lucky, I got up in the first row, but almost at the edge. During the set, I had the impression that he was looking for someone in the crowd ... The set was over. I'll try to catch him again. He came down from the stage when I cried out his name. He turned and ran to me and said.
- Hey, I told you that we'll see each other again.
He took off his mask and smiled. Droplets of sweat trickled down his face.
-It's really hot in the mask, isn't it?
-It's true, but I can't escape from the look that I made.
-I didn't want to bother you then, but maybe now ... Would you give me an autograph?
-Sure, no problem.
-Can we take a selfie?
-With a great pleasure.
Then other fans came running.
- It's time for you) Thanks for everything and your set was just wonderful.
He was looking into my eyes and didn't let go of my hand.
-Look, to be honest, I would like to ask you something, but as you see, I'm out of my time, so... Could you give me your number?
I was shocked, I can't even imagine that situation, but I gave him my number.
-Thank you, (y/n)
And I had to let him go. Again...

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