Chapter dos (2)

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*Aaron's POV*

"Hey, shu," I greeted Aph. She threw herself at me and I laughed as I embraced her. She let go and smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

"Hey, Aaron! How's everything going with college?" She asked me.

"It's good,. I'm still being loaded with projects but I got them all out of the way to see you," I informed her.

Her eyes softened. Her beautiful, loving eyes. "You didn't have to do that for me," she said.

"It's fine, really. So, what's with the dress?" I asked. "N-not that it's bad! Y-you look st-stunning in it! Not that you don't always look bea-" her laughter cut me off and I felt my face warming up. I was probably blushing.

"Thank you." She smiled. "I'm going to the beach with Garroth, Zane, Vylad, Katelyn, her dad and my mom." She filled me in. Then, her eyes lit up and shone. "What if you came, too?!"

"W-what about your mom?" I asked nervously; Sylvanna terrifies me.

"I can convince her, although I can't guarantee she won't be watching us..."

"That's fine with me!" I laughed a little nervously. It's only as friends, so I won't get in trouble with her mom at least.

Aph invited me in and convinced Sylvanna to let my come with them.

"FINE! But there are some rules he needs to keep to; no touching, smiling, laughing, or kissing my daughter! Do you understand?" I nodded, sweat trickling down my face in fear.

"Good. Now, Mija, let's get ready."

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