~Chapter Fifteen~

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*Aphmau's POV*

I carried Mom in my arms, stopping myself from crying out in pain. She was heavy, but I had to tolerate the pain and keep moving. I kept the knife deep in my back pocket with rope wound around it to prevent its sharp point from stabbing me. I shifted my weight into my arms and legs, afraid that my knees will buckle and give away at any moment. I walked through a doorway, but there was no door on it. Only loose hinges. I ignored this and continued moving, keeping my feet a bit in front of me so if I hit into a wall, I would only hit my feet. As I shuffled along, I counted each breath Mom let out, keeping me in reality and calming me because that told me she was still okay, still alive.

I felt my shoe stub into a wall. Shoot, I was ready to turn away and go on a new route when a flash of silver caught my eye. I turned back to see that it was a shining doorknob, and the smallest slivers of light shining through a keyhole. I silently prayed to Irene that it would open, and it would be the way out of wherever we were. I rested Mom's legs on my arm and reached out, grasping the cool metal of the doorknob. I turned it slowly, not daring to make the slightest indication or noise that I was even there. I heard a faint click and thanked Irene under my breath for hearing my prayer. I opened the door quickly but not too quickly, knowing the slower you open a door, the more creaking and noise it will make. I knew this from when I snuck back into Aaron and my room after staying up too late binging on Netflix. 


It hit me in a wave of panic. Where was he? Was he in here, too? Is he looking for us? Did he even see that I was gone, yet? I hoped that he wasn't in here and finally registered the light blinding me. I gasped and tears of relief blurred my vision.

We were out.

*BONUS: Sylvanna's POV*

I blinked and slowly opened my eyes, wincing in pain from the blinding light. I eventually registered something comfy underneath me and the wailing sirens in the background. I gasped and, to my relief, I didn't cough up blood. My hand felt warm and I looked down at it to see my Mija's hand holding mine. I looked up at her face and she was smiling, tears rolling down her cheeks and onto her lips. I smiled back weakly and felt a sort of mask covering my mouth and nose, hooked up to a beeping machine. I tried not to focus on it and I squeezed my Mija's hand, which made her smile widen and her eyes soften. 

"Rest," she whispered to me. I barely heard it over the rattling of medical things around us and the siren, but the one word floated to me and I gave a small nod, holding onto her hand tight. I closed my eyes and let the darkness of my eyelids and the red of the lights behind my eyelids calm me, letting sleep take over.

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