Untitled Part 4

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Woo Jiho, you absolute fool.

The words repeated in his mind, and the cool air of the night chilled him to the bone. It didn't matter that he had the shower water boiling hot, nor did it matter that Taeil had wrapped him up in a blanket and offered his own bed to Jiho.

"I'm not leaving you alone like this, you know. I'll be right back, and if you've gotten out of bed, so help me Woo Jiho, I will kick your ass." Taeil's words to his leader were bold, but after the years they had spent together as well as Jiho being too exhausted to care, he didn't bother to point how rude he sounded.

Laying in Taeil's bed was different- not because of the foreign pillows and mattress, nor was it because of the blankets. It was the smell. While it was the same detergent the entire dorm used, he could smell Taeil's individual scent on it. And...Jihoon's too? They really were a couple, weren't they?

While the thought of Jihoon and Taeil happy together didn't bother him in the slightest, he was reminded that he wasn't lucky enough to have his best friend as his partner, nor to have the comfort of Kyung's scent in the sheets of his bed.

Jiho needed to tell him. It was already too late to keep it from Kyung at this point- he already knew that something was wrong, just not what it specifically was. But knowing him, it wouldn't be long before he figured it out for himself. After all, that idiot was probably the smartest guy in the room at any given time.

He would rather confess than be found out.

It was time for him to finally work up the courage, after all these years.

"Jiho, I hope you're still there..." Creeping back into the room, Taeil was fresh from the shower, his tiny body engulfed in a pair of oversized pajamas that he most certainly didn't purchase himself. Must be Jihoon's.

Peering over the thick blanket, Jiho gave a weak nod. "Yeah, still awake..."

"Ah well, let's get some rest, okay? I don't know how you're still awake at all..." Crawling up onto the mattress, Taeil wormed his way under the blanket with Jiho.


"Y-you're really close, hyung..."

"Hm? If it bugs you I can sleep on the floor. I just don't trust leaving you here alone."

Good call.

"It's fine, I just figured, you know..." Taeil blinked a few times, not knowing what Jiho meant.

"Well whatever it is, it's no big deal, right? Let's sleep." Holding out his pinky finger, Taeil managed to slip the small appendage around Jiho's, giving his leader a weak smile. This was all too strange for Jiho. Taeil was...unusually affectionate. He'd write it off as Taeil just trying to comfort him, make sure he felt loved and supported through this disease, but even then, he couldn't help but feel like he was betraying Jihoon's trust by being so close with Taeil.

For now, he'd just go to sleep.

Waking up, Jiho didn't expect to feel someone cuddled up to his chest. Nor did he expect to feel a set of strong arms wrapped around his waist, feeling a second warm body embracing him from behind. Eyes fluttering open, he immediately recognized the lump snuggled up to his chest as Taeil. That made sense, they had shared a bed...Although he had to admit, it was a little awkward to see his hyung so at peace in his arms. Especially when he knew without a doubt Jihoon was in bed with them too.

Shifting ever so slightly, Jiho tried to wriggle out of the mess of limbs without disturbing the pair. Taeil would be easy to push away with little trouble, but Jihoon...he wouldn't let go.

Closing his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh. There was work to be done, and he had probably been asleep far longer than he would normally allow himself to be.

Forcing his way out of Jihoon's grip, Jiho managed to sit up in bed before crawling off the mattress and leaving the two behind. He felt bad, watching the two stir slightly, Taeil letting out a faint grunt signaling that he had woken up. Well, he'd surely live.

The dorm was incredibly quiet as he moved from Taeil's room and into the bathroom, only hearing the soft patter of water from one of the showers. Based off the time of day, he guessed it was probably Minhyuk, and he prayed that he was right.

Hands gripping either side of the sink, Jiho looked up into the mirror. Did he really look this bad? Jiho was a workaholic, that was no secret. The poor boy looked exhausted without the pounds of makeup that the noonas always layered onto him, but now...he looked so much worse.

And the reason why only made it harder.

He needed to put a stop to this, and he needed to do it soon. Jiho wasn't the type to put things off, and now...now all he wanted to do was put it off. The idea of confessing his feelings made his stomach churn, he already knew what Kyung would say. His love was unrequited- if It wasn't, he wouldn't be like this.

The feeling fluttering in his stomach began to rise, and Jiho could feel another fit coming on. At this point it didn't matter if Minhyuk heard him, the whole band was liable to know now and-

Jiho was choking, coughing up handfuls of petals at a time. His throat felt raw, and he struggled to breathe as the bright yellow flowers danced through the air and fluttered into the sink.

Suddenly the water stopped.



Reluctantly, Jiho turned around to face the smaller man.


"Jiho, we need to talk."

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