Untitled Part 7

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Falling backwards onto the plush mattress, Jiho sighed with content. When was the last time he had felt this way? Things were looking up for him, all thanks to the tiny man curling up at his side.

"What's the occasion? You've been grinning since Ukwon dropped you off." Eyes blinking behind his oversized glasses, Taeil gave a small smile of his own.

"Well, I just got back from the hospital, and it's as we hoped. My Hanahaki is actually dying- the doctor was astonished, he said it should be clear within the next month." Tilting his head down, Jiho planted a warm kiss on Taeil's forehead. "Just have to cough up what's left in me and I'm free. More than likely, no surgery required."

Smile growing, Taeil's face lit up before he pounced on Jiho. "Jiho, Jiho- This is so great! Have you told the others?" Arms squeezing the taller man just a little too tight, he couldn't help but bury his face into Jiho's chest.

"Nah, only Ukwon knows right now. I figure that we could all go out to celebrate, as a group before I lock myself back into the studio."

"Jiho, taking time out to celebrate? Are we sure you're really okay?"

"Yes, absolutely. Never been better."

Pushing his food around on his plate, Kyung was paying attention to his surroundings just enough to notice that the tall maknae sitting next to him looked just as miserable as he was. The rest of the group was sympathetic to Jihoon for certain, but not sympathetic enough to stop the celebration of their leader's health being restored.

Taeil and Jiho were all but setting on each other, Taeil's hand always touching some part of Jiho as he animatedly described what he was cooking up for their next comeback. Whatever he was saying was tickling Minhyuk to death, Ukwon giving Jaehyo a pat on the shoulder as if to say 'I'm sorry' for whatever was being discussed.

"Honestly the real gem of this comeback will be what Jihoon cooked up though, 'eyo P.O! Ain't that right?" Jiho's eyes glimmered with pride, looking to the hunched over man prodding his food with a chopstick.

"Huh? Oh..." Giving a goofy giggle, Jihoon put on a weak smile. "Ah, well once we get in the studio, I guess we'll see, huh?" Jiho's expression fell, noticing the uneasy air around the youngest member. Before he had a chance to comment though, Taeil was saying something in a very excited tone, but Kyung couldn't decipher his words.

Everything just sounded like static to him.

Jihoon had seen better days. In fact, up until quite recently, he was the happiest he had been in a while. With Taeil by his side, Jihoon always felt at home, like he belonged in the group he called family. Not that the other members weren't precious to him- on the contrary. He loved all of his groupmates. Which is why when one of them is sick or down, it effects all of them.

Jihoon did his best to help Jiho, even though he wasn't much help. Working with Jiho on a new track would be the best thing he could do, he thought, and set himself to writing. Taeil thought it was a great idea. He loved it when Taeil thought he was doing a good job.

In fact, Jihoon loved all of the attention he got from Taeil. Even when he was being scolded, he knew it was from a good place. Not to mention no matter what happened, they always made up. Tail would always forgive him, no matter how stupid his mistake. He would relish in the warmth of his elder, fitting perfectly in place when he tucked his chin over Taeil's head when they held each other close.

He knew that it was love.

Jihoon knew that he loved Taeil for a very long time, but he was okay with it. Quietly loving his hyung and looking out for him was the most he could do in their situation, and it didn't bother him at all. As long as Taeil was by his side, Jihoon could live happily.

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