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Jaehyo supposed it was only natural that things would return to normal with dumb and dumber finally making up. Jiho and Kyung acted almost as if nothing had ever happened, going back to fighting like a married couple but always making up, the only new addition was...the making out. Not that they did it in front of everyone, Jiho was private as ever. They didn't even hold hands around the others. It was as if balance had returned to the universe.

Well, maybe not for everyone though.

Jihoon being gloomy was never addressed by Taeil, and Jaehyo suspected it had something to do with the fact that they weren't so tied-at-the-hip after the whole Jiho ordeal. Jihoon wasn't all alone though, he was hanging out with Mino more often these days and his mood was inching closer back to normal. Maybe Jihoon would let go of Taeil, and that was okay.

In the end, Jaehyo knew Block B would always be seven, and they would always survive. Because that's just how they were- six ugly dudes and Jaehyo. And that's what mattered most.

A knock on the door surprised Jaehyo before the door cracked open, Jihoon's head peaking in with his dorky smile. "Hyung...me and Mino are going drinking. You wanna come?"

"...This sounds like an excuse to bully me. You gonna buy my drinks?"

Jihoon's eyes narrowed into cresents, a deep giggle spilling from his lips. "Hyuuuung, why wouldn't I pay? You won't be able to keep up with me and Mino anyways, that's why you're so fun. A baby Hyung." With the way he was talking, it was pretty evident Jihoon and Mino had probably already been drinking and thought it was a good idea to pick up Jaehyo in between bars.

Rolling backwards in his computer chair, Jaehyo sighed and reached for his jacket. Well, how bad could it be?


Hey y'all, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I'm not really writing fanfiction these days, but I've been thinking about Block B a lot lately. I was able to catch the King of the Zungle tour and with Jaehyo's exhibition and enlistment tomorrow, it's been hard not to.

It's okay if you arn't happy with the ending, but to me, I'm content everything was sorted out okay. Sorry no TaePyo ending, it's really not my thing anymore. Jihoonie can handle himself alone! And if he gets lonely he can just fall in love with Jaehyo lol

Thank you for caring, for those of you who waited for this short ass epilogue for so long. Maybe I'll write a Jaehyo story sometime!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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