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For my friend, Nomes, who asked for a large helping of sexy fluff! Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! Maxim, Morgana, Drake and Balthazar all belong to Disney.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!"

Maxim Horvath glanced up just in time to see his son Drake barrel into his and Morgana's personal solar. The eight year old launched himself at his father who had to brace himself or he would have fallen out of his chair.

Maxim didn't scold the boy. He always tried to be patient and give his son encouragement. It wasn't really the boy's fault. He had a bit of a tendency to knock the wind out of his parents.

"Look!" Drake held up his hand.  "Mama taught me how to use pyrokinesis! I can make fire!" He closed his eyes to concentrate. A tiny flame erupted in his palm.

Maxim couldn't help returning the child's beaming smile before ruffling his son's hair. "Well done! I knew you could do it! 

Morgana appeared in the doorway.

"Our son is a genius," he told her.

Morgana's lips curved up into a smug grin. "Tell me something I don't know."

Drake ran up to her and Morgana glanced at the little flame he presented her with.

The child gave a soft cry of disappointment when the fire died despite him trying his best to keep it alive. Morgana knelt and wrapped him in a hug. "Keep trying, love. You'll get it eventually. It took me a long time to master elemental magic."

Maxim watched her kiss Drake's forehead before she smiled up at him. "He may have inherited your looks, Maxim, but he gets his talent from me."

He chuckled at his wife's teasing while little Drake blushed. The boy's quiet, shy nature just made him all the more endearing to those who knew him. He could get Ivar-the fiercest lycan in the world-to give him piggyback rides and even Merlin's old shrew of a mother Belisent was a little less prickly when Drake smiled at her. 

Drake hugged Maxim's leg mostly because he couldn't reach any other part of his father. Maxim stroked the boy's hair as he exchanged a knowing glance with Morgana. In another year or so, King Arthur would be coming to take the boy on as his page and heir. Morgana and Maxim had tried to reason with Arthur, but he was determined that Drake reside with him in Camelot. Morgana hadn't realized his intent or she would've never agreed to Drake being Arthur's heir apparent. Unfortunately, she'd signed her name to the contract, and her son was now the property of the crown.

"Drake, sweet boy, I need to speak with your papa. Why don't you go down to the kitchen and get a snack? I believe the cook has made some pastries."

"Yes, Mama."

They each received a hug from Drake befor he took his leave. Morgana broke down in tears as soon as the child was out of sight and earshot.

Maxim wrapped her in a warm hug and held tight to her until her tears had dwindled to mere sniffles and she was able to form actual words. "I can't lose him, Maxim. Those filthy, self-serving vultures will eat our baby boy alive."

"That's why we're going with him," he reminded her. "To make sure that doesn't happen. No one's going to hurt our Drake. We won't let them."

Comforting kisses turned to so much more as they made love neither caring who might walk in at any moment. They laid in bed for a while afterwards all tangled up in the sheets.

"I want another baby," she whispered, playing with a stray strand of his hair.

Maxim had known for a while that Morgana was going to ask for another child and he was happy to oblige. "Then you will have it."

Morgana smiled softly as she nuzzled his neck and nipped his pulse playfully. "My bear..."

Maxim stroked her fire red hair the tresses silk soft against his callused fingertips. "My lioness..."

She let him spill his seed inside her multiple times in the hopes he'd get her with child. That and she enjoyed the feel of their bodies becoming one as he poured his hot, salty essence into her womb.

Drake returned to them two hours later covered in mud.

"What on earth-?"

"Uncle Balthazar took me frog catching," Drake told her, grinning from ear to ear as he showed her the two tiny green frogs he'd caught all by himself for her and Maxim. "I got a frog for you and one for Papa!"

"Oh Drake..."

Maxim and Morgana each took the frog he presented them with.

"You realize we can't keep them, don't you?" Maxim asked gently.

Drake frowned. "Why not?"

"Because even little frogs have families," Morgana explained, "and I'm sure these two want to return to theirs. The mama and papa frogs are probably missing these little ones terribly."

"I didn't think about that," Drake mumbled suddenly feeling guilty for bringing the young frogs back to the castle.

"Tell you what," Maxim smiled, "Give Mama and I a moment to get some clothes on and we'll go with you to return the frogs to their parents. How does that sound?"

Drake smiled back. "Yes, Papa!" He took the frogs when they were handed back to him and tucked them into his pockets for safe keeping.

Once both parents has proper clothes on, they let Drake lead them out to the pond where he'd found their little green gifts and watched as he released them back into the water. It didn't take long for two large frogs to appear.

Drake pointed to the two larger frogs.  "There's the mama and papa!"

Maxim grinned. "See? We told you."

They watched the frogs hop about for a bit then swim off most likely in search of a meal.

"Everyone deserves to be safely at home with their family. Is that why you're both moving to Camelot, Papa? So you and Mama can stay with me?" Drake asked.

"That's exactly right," Maxim replied.

"But I thought Tintagel was Mamá's home."

Morgana hugged the boy to her as they made their way back to the castle in question. "No, sweet cub. Wherever you and Papa are, that's my home."

"Because family sticks together?"

Maxim nodded. "That's right, love. Now let's get you home and in a bath before you start growing warts!"

Drake giggled and tried to wiggle free as Maxim tickled him. "Toads cause warts! Not frogs, Papa!"

"Are you sure?" Maxim teased, "Once the warts start to grow, there's no stopping them. They get everywhere!"

Drake hesitated for a moment then darted inside the castle and bounded up the stairs headed for the nearest bathchamber. "I don't want warts!"

Maxim and Morgana just couldn't help laughing as they followed him up the stairs. Mayhaps life at court wouldn't be so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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