Prime Target: Part 2 (M)

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) and all its characters belong to Disney!

Rated: M (Mature) Sexual Themes.

Requester: None.

Trigger Warnings: None

Three weeks later...
Morgana woke to the feel of an arm draped over her. She didn't have to open her eyes to see whose it was. Maxim's familiar scent-autumn wind, cloves and male musk with a hint of aftershave-enveloped her. She could feel the tether of the binding spell, its gentle tug beckoning her. His warm bare flesh pressed up against hers making Morgana's heart pound and her loins dampen with need. It wasn't the spell. Not entirely. Morgana craved Maxim. Magic had nothing to do with it. She bit her lip just to keep herself from purring when he nuzzled the back of her neck in his sleep.

Morgana felt horrible for the things she'd said and done to him. She couldn't remember much of what had happened over the past few weeks. The only thing she knew for sure is that he'd taken care of her after she'd lost the baby. She blinked back tears.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

She'd coaxed Maxim into her bed. Had even convinced the man to spill his seed into her. They'd been lovers for years and were living together for months before their plan to infiltrate Merlin's old castle was ready to be carried out.

Morgana had gone so far as to stop drinking tansy oil in her tea. She had planned to wait until all had been said and done before telling her lover he was to be a father, but everything had gone to shit. She'd cried out in fear and agony as her soul was ripped from her own body and pulled into Veronica's before both women found themselves trapped within the grimhold.

She'd had to wait a millennia just to see Maxim again. He'd preserved her body inside of his focus-a dangerous feat as it meant drawing off his own life force to ensure her body didn't decay. He'd exhausted his magic. Doing so would've killed a lesser sorcerer. He'd risked everything to be with her and how had she repaid him? She'd accused the man of treachery and struck him across the face, yet here he was caring for and trying to comfort her after the loss of their child-one he had never known they were having.

Morgana heard him murmur her name in his sleep. A light blush crept its way up to her cheeks. Maxim was prone to whispering her name whilst he slept along with terms of endearment such as darling, love, kitten, dearest, dove or sweetheart. Today wasn't an exception.

She managed to roll over without waking him. It'd been a month since they'd made love. Maxim either feared for her safety and well-being or thought she was angry at him. Maybe both.

Merlin had created a binding spell without ever informing his three apprentices. Maxim had done nothing wrong. She needed to tell him that, show Maxim he wasn't at fault and let him know he was wanted and needed despite all that'd happened between them the last few weeks since she had regained her own body and freedom.

Morgana nuzzled Maxim's cheek. She loved him even though he wasn't what one would consider handsome-not in a conventional sense at least. Her man was a tall, burly grizzly bear with soft caramel brown eyes, a well-kept circle beard and wavy black hair.

People didn't think much of him. Many called him gruff or grumpy, but he was very gentle and patient with her. She kissed his lips tenderly. Her steady attempt to wake him eventually worked. He opened his eyes and blinked. "Morgana, I-"

She pressed a finger to his lips silencing him. "No, my love. You've done nothing wrong. I'm the one at fault. I'm so sorry, Maxim. Please forgive me. I was so cruel. I never should've struck you."

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